Catalog - Globotruncana roddai Catalog - Globotruncana roddai

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globotruncana roddai Marianos&Zingula 1966

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Globotruncana roddai

Citation: Globotruncana roddai Marianos&Zingula 1966
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: 641556
Type age (chronostrat): Turonian
Type locality: Along Dry Creek, in the Beegum Basin, T. 28N., R. 7W., in the northwestern corner of the Sacramento Valley, Tehama County, CA
Type repository: Washington; USNM

Linked specimens: USNM-641556 USNM-641557

Current identification/main database link: Dicarinella roddai (Marianos and Zingula, 1966)

Original Description

Test large, trochospiral, biconvex; periphery lobate, having a closely spaced double keel above the median line, becoming weaker and more closely spaced on the last and penultimate chambers; chambers smooth and overlapping dorsally, inflated ventrally, early chambers of last whorl rugose ventrally, later ones smooth; sutures curved, raised and thickened dorsally, ventrally depressed and radial; umbilicus narrow and deep; aperture interomarginal, umbilical. Some specimens exhibiting a weak ridge at the umbilical margin of early chambers of the last whorl formed by enlarged and coalescing pustules.


Marianos, A. W. & Zingula, R. P. (1966). Cretaceous planktonic foraminifers from Dry Creek, Tehama County, California. Journal of Paleontology. 40: 328-343. gs


Globotruncana roddai compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 11-2-2025

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