Catalog - Globotruncana rosetta insignis Catalog - Globotruncana rosetta insignis

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globotruncana rosetta insignis Gandolfi 1955

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Globotruncana rosetta insignis

Citation: Globotruncana rosetta insignis Gandolfi 1955
Taxonomic rank: sub-species
Type specimens: PI. 6, fig. 2a-c; 30047: type description p.67
Type sample (& lithostrat): Km. 92 section, S. 5063
Type age (chronostrat): Campanian-Maastrichtian
Type locality: A section near Km. 92 on the Fonseca-Riohacha road, Rancheria Valley, 40 km. north of Fonseca, NE part of the State of Magdalena, northern Colombia.
Type repository: Ithaca, New York; Paleontological Research Institution

Current identification/main database link: Globotruncanita insignis (Gandolfi, 1955)

Original Description

"Usually seven to eight fairly lobate (especially the last one) chambers, which become shorter in the adult stages. They are strongly protruding and slightly inflated on the ventral side, where the sutural elevations disappear here and there in the sutural depressions, however, with the bourrelet umbilical generally present. The sutures are more conspicuously beaded than in Globotrucana rosetta rosetta (Carsey) (Globigerina rosetta, 1926). Fairly arched lips are present in the umbilical cavity.

Dimensions of holotype: Width 0.99 mm.; thickness 0.33 mm.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks.—Glt. aff. conica Reichel, 1949 (p. 614, fig. 7b) is closely related, but differs by its more outstanding dorsal convexity and slightly conical umbilical side with fairly evident sutural elevations. Rotalia elevata Brotzen also shows a strongly protruding umbilical side, as well as many chambers in the last whorl (six-nine); the specimen illustrated has, however, only six chambers, its chambers are inflated on the ventral side with radial, depressed sutures, without any trace of raised sutures. Probably this form is a more evolved rosetta type somewhat related to Glt. seranensis.


Gandolfi, R. (1955). The genus Globotruncana in northeastern Colombia. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 36: 1-118. gs


Globotruncana rosetta insignis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 11-2-2025

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