Catalog - Globotruncana rosetta pettersi Catalog - Globotruncana rosetta pettersi

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globotruncana rosetta pettersi Gandolfi 1955

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Globotruncana rosetta pettersi

Citation: Globotruncana rosetta pettersi Gandolfi 1955
Taxonomic rank: sub-species
Type specimens: PL 6, figs. 3a-c, 4a-c, Text fig. 11a; 20857: type description p.68
Type sample (& lithostrat): Km. 92 section, S. 5589.
Type age (chronostrat): Campanian-Maastrichtian
Type locality: A section near Km. 92 on the Fonseca-Riohacha road, Rancheria Valley, 40 km. north of Fonseca, NE part of the State of Magdalena, northern Colombia.
Type repository: Ithaca, New York; Paleontological Research Institution

Current identification/main database link: Globotruncanita pettersi (Gandolfi, 1955)

Original Description

"Test subcircular, flat dorsally, strongly convex on the ventral side, single-keeled; the chambers increase slightly in size, are curved and overlapping, as in Globotruncana rosetta (Carsey) subsp. rosetta (Carsey) (Globigerina rosetta, 1926). They are strongly convex ventrally, flat andeven concave dorsally. The sutural elevations are thin, well defined and sharply raised. The ventral convexity of the chambers can be so strong as to give in typical specimens a trunco-conical profile (side wall nearly at right angles with the roof of the chambes)."

Dimensions of holotype: Width 0.89 x 0.86 mm.; thickness, 0.44 mm.

named after Viktor Petters,Head of Paleontological Laboratory of the International Petroleum (Colombia), Limited.


Gandolfi, R. (1955). The genus Globotruncana in northeastern Colombia. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 36: 1-118. gs


Globotruncana rosetta pettersi compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 12-2-2025

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Original name: Globotruncana rosetta subsp. pettersi Gandolfi, 1955


corrected now, thanks Jeremy