Catalog - Globotruncana samuriensis Catalog - Globotruncana samuriensis

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globotruncana samuriensis Maslakova 1974

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Globotruncana samuriensis

Citation: Globotruncana samuriensis Maslakova 1974
Taxonomic rank: species

Current identification/main database link: Globotruncana orientalis El Naggar 1966

Original Description

Test large, flattened. Spiral side flat or slightly convex, umbilical side weakly convex. Three whorls. In the first whorl there arc usually 5 small spherical chambers. The second whorl consists of 5, more rarely 6, much larger, rapidly enlarging chambers; they become angularly truncated in shape owing to lateral flattening and the appearance of a double keel on the peripheral margin; circum-umbilical flanges arise; the chambers on the spiral side are semicircular, the septal sutures bordered, convex, radial, curved. In the last whorl there are usually 6-7 angularly conical chambers gradually increasing in size; often the last one or sometimes the last two are smaller than the preceding chambers; the chambers on the spiral side at the beginning of the whorl are semicircular in outline, then become roundly rectangular, and are rounded-rectangular on the ventral side; septal sutures radial, on the spiral side bordered, convex, slightly curved, on the umbilical side linear, depressed, nearly straight. Peripheral margin of test with two adjacent keels, which merge into a single keel in the last one or two, more rarely three, chambers; umbilical keel usually more weakly developed than spiral keel. Test outline rounded or slightly oval, lobate. Umbilicus broad. Circum-umbilical flanges well expressed. Principal aperture umbilical. In the umbilicus of many specimens fragments of the long, slightly curved apertural lips, forming supra-umbilical supplementary apertures, are observed. Surface of chambers rough, nearly smooth; septal. Circum-umbilical flanges and keel coarsely rough; at the beginning of the last whorl on the keels (especially the spiral keel) in many forms short spines are observed. Right-coiling.


Maslakova, N. I. (1974). New foraminifera of the genus Globotruncana from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the southern USSR. Paleontologicheskii Sbornik, Lvovskogo Geologicheskogo Obshchestva. 10(2): 12-16. gs


Globotruncana samuriensis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 11-2-2025

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