Catalog - Globotruncana sigmoconcavata Catalog - Globotruncana sigmoconcavata

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globotruncana sigmoconcavata Scheibnerova 1963

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Globotruncana sigmoconcavata

Citation: Globotruncana sigmoconcavata Scheibnerova 1963
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: Textfigs. 77-7 8a-c; Holotype: specimen described and figured in this paper on the Text fig. 7a—c. KPUK 0710.
Type sample (& lithostrat): Czorsztyn series of the klippen belt of West Carpathians.
Type age (chronostrat): Coniacian
Type locality: north of Puchov, western Slovakia.
Type repository: Bratislava; Micropaleontological collection of the Department of Paleontology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of J, A. Comenius university in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia

Current identification/main database link: Marginotruncana sigmoconcavata (Scheibnerova 1963)

Original Description

Diagnosis: Trochospiral test with more convex umbilical side, with four chambers in the final whorl and strongly overlapping chambers. Periphery with one distinct keel. Sutures sigmoidal.

Description of the test: Trochospirally coiled test with four chambers in the final whorl. Chambers are strongly overlapping. The umbilical side of the test rather convex, the spiral one concave or flattened. Periphery with one distinct keel. The aperture interiomarginal, accessory apertures with lips at the adumbilical portions of the last chambers. Surface smooth.

Measurements of holotype: longer diameter: 0,750mm, shorter diameter: 0,675 mm, thickness: 0,4 mm,

sigmoconcavata: the species is characteristic by distinct sigmoidal sutures and by the position of chambers in the final whorl (over- lapping) resembles Globotruncana concavata.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks: the species to some degree resembles Globotruncana concavata (Brotzen), from which it differs in having only one keel.


Scheibnerova, V. (1963b). Some new informations on the Cretaceous of the klippen belt of West Carpathians. Geologiscky Zbornik -Geologica Carpathica. 14(2): 221-268. gs


Globotruncana sigmoconcavata compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 12-2-2025

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Comments (5)


It is pretty cryptic indeed. Both species if synonyms should be accepted as Marginotruncana sigmoconcavata (Scheibnerova, 1963) since Porthault's G. paraconcavata was described in 1970 (inversed priority).

Cheers François


actually that is not really very cryptic - I guess it was a bit late at night when I made my reply!. I will add it to the growing list for review by Brian Huber and Marie-Rose Petrizzo when they get back from the IOPD expedition.


on review sigmoconcavata has been removed from the synonymy of paraconcavata


Pb of priority: Marginotruncana sigmoconcavata?


sorry, that is a bit too cryptic for me. Can you explain in slightly more detail.

Cheers Jeremy