Catalog - Globotruncana tarfayaensis Catalog - Globotruncana tarfayaensis

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globotruncana tarfayaensis Lehmann 1963

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Globotruncana tarfayaensis

Citation: Globotruncana tarfayaensis Lehmann 1963
Taxonomic rank: species
Type sample (& lithostrat): T202
Type age (chronostrat): Coniacian
Type locality: Between Hassi-bou-Emgara and Hassi-oued-Am-ma-Fatma, Tarfaya Province, southwestern Morocco
Type repository: Rabat, Morocco

Current identification/main database link: Marginotruncana tarfayaensis (Lehmann, 1963)

Original Description

Translated from French: The test is slightly trochospiral, biconvex and with a weakly lobate periphery. About 20 chambers forming 3 whorls. Rapid increase in size for the 6 chambers of the last whorl. On the spiral side, the semicircular or angular sutures of the chambers meet the internal whorl obliquely; they are curved backwards. The last sutures have a tendency to become radial. Six to 7 reniform chambers visible on the umbilical side. The size of the wide umbilicus, is about a 1/3 of the diameter. The aperture is interiomarginal-umbilical in position. The double keel splits into two only toward the septal side.


Lehmann, R. (1963). Étude des Globotruncanidés du Crétacé supérieur de la province de Tarfaya (Maroc occidental). Notes du Service Geologique du Maroc. 21(156): 133-179. gs


Globotruncana tarfayaensis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 11-2-2025

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