Catalog - Globotruncana thalmanni thalmanni Catalog - Globotruncana thalmanni thalmanni

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globotruncana thalmanni thalmanni Gandolfi 1955

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Globotruncana thalmanni thalmanni

Citation: Globotruncana thalmanni thalmanni Gandolfi 1955
Taxonomic rank: sub-species
Type specimens: PI. 4, figs. 4a-c ; 20851: type description p.60
Type sample (& lithostrat): Manaure section, S. 9167.
Type age (chronostrat): Campanian-Maastrichtian
Type locality: Cesar Valley, Rio Manaure, 100 km. ESE of La Paz; northern Colombia
Type repository: Ithaca, New York; Paleontological Research Institution

Current identification/main database link: Contusotruncana fornicata (Plummer, 1931)

Original Description

Biconvex, more strongly so on the ventral side, periphery subcircular, one keel in the adult stage, two keels close together in the early chambers. The spiral coils trochoidal in the early stages, becoming flattened in the adult ones. The chambers are elongated, arched, and curved (fornicata type), becoming rapidly more convex and protruding on the umbilical side in the adult stages. The sutural elevations are generally thick and continuous (lapparenti type), oblique and tending to bend sharply and typically when attaching to the previous coil. On the ventral side they are curved, well marked, tending to attach themselves to the previous ones around the umbilicus. The test is rough and somewhat spinose in the early stages; the umbilical cavity is large with thin, slightly arched or nearly straight lips. The lips are dextrally coiling. Specimens with one keelâÂÄÂîthe second being reduced to an indistinct rough line in the early chambersâÂÄÂîand with less elongated and arched chambers mark transitional stages toward Glt. flexuosa van der Sluis.

Dimensions of holotype: Width 0.45 x 0.38 mm.; thickness, 0.18 mm.

named after H. Thalmann for his general contribution on micropaleontological studies.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks.—The most striking characteristics of this species are the long arched chambers of fornicata type and the overlapping manner of the chambers on the umbilical side which is of rosettastuarti type. Morphologically the species is related to Glt. fornicata brotzeni on one side and on the other one to Glt. thalmanni jlexuosa (van der Sluis). It differs from the first species especially because of its more protruding umbilical side, and from the other because of the more elongated and typically shaped chambers. Noteworthy is that the manner of growth of the spire in the early stages (more convex dorsal side, chambers more flattened on the ventral one) is identical to that of Glt. fornicata brotzeni (the early part of the test of a Glt. thalmanni thalmanni is a complete Glt. fornicata manaurensis)


Gandolfi, R. (1955). The genus Globotruncana in northeastern Colombia. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 36: 1-118. gs


Globotruncana thalmanni thalmanni compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 11-2-2025

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