Catalog - Globotruncana tricarinata desioi Catalog - Globotruncana tricarinata desioi

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globotruncana tricarinata desioi Gandolfi 1955

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Globotruncana tricarinata desioi

Citation: Globotruncana tricarinata desioi Gandolfi 1955
Taxonomic rank: sub-species
Type sample (& lithostrat): lower part of Scaglia rossa (horizons 13 to 22); in reddish marls and marly limestones.
Type age (chronostrat): Not designated, Upper Cretaceous, Santonian to Maastrichtian
Type locality: Along road running westward from Olzano to Graino and Fontana, on the western slope of Dosso Gumer, left side of the Vione Valley, commune of Tignale, near Gargnano, Brescia Province, Italy.
Type repository: Ithaca, New York; Paleontological Research Institution

Current identification/main database link: Marginotruncana desioi (Gandolfi, 1955)

Original Description

"Taking as an average type of Globotruncana tricarinata the specimen illustrated by Cushman (1946, USGS Prof. Paper 206, pl. 61, fig. 18) as Globotruncana canaliculata, which has a normal number of chambbers (five or six) in the last whorl, there are tests with an exceptionally large number of chambers (seven or eight) in the last whorl. Pending a more detailed study on tricarinata types, the form of Cita with such a large number of chambers should be considered at least as a subspecies of Glt. tricarinata tricarinata and newly named Glt. tricarinata desioi. The new subspecies name is proposed after Prof. A. Desio, Head of the Geological Institute of the Milan University, who sponsored the paleontological investigation of Cita. Ref.: Globotruncana lapparenti tricarinata Cita (not Quereau) 1948, p. 15, pi. 4, fig. 4. Entirely double-keeled; peripheral band at right angles to the plane of coiling; test protruding (truncoconical) on the umbilical side (bourrelet umbilical generally strongly developed); raisedumbilical sutures, eight to nine chambers in the last volution (test more flattened and larger than in Globotruncana tricarinata tricarinata of Cushman (1946, loc. cit.))."


Gandolfi, R. (1955). The genus Globotruncana in northeastern Colombia. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 36: 1-118. gs


Globotruncana tricarinata desioi compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 12-2-2025

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