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This page provides data from the catalog of type descriptions. The catalog is sorted alphabetically. Use the current identification link to go back to the main database.
Current identification/main database link: Mesozoic Planktonic Foraminifera
Synonym Globotruncanidae Morozova 1957
Editors' Notes
Brotzen, F. (1942). Die Foraminiferengattung Gavelinella nov. gen. und die Systematik der Rotaliiformes. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Series C. 36(8): 1-60. gs Morozova, V. G. (1957). On the Foraminiferal superfamily Globigerinidea, nov. and some of its representatives (in Russian). Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 114(5): 1109-1112. gsReferences:
Globotruncanidae compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 20-1-2025
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