Catalog - Gorbachikella depressa Catalog - Gorbachikella depressa

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Gorbachikella depressa BouDagher-Fadel, Banner, Brown, Simmons, Gorbachik 1995

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> G -> Gorbachikella -> Gorbachikella depressa
Other pages this level: G. anteroapertura, G. depressa, G. grandiapertura

Gorbachikella depressa

Citation: Gorbachikella depressa BouDagher-Fadel, Banner, Brown, Simmons, Gorbachik 1995
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: Holotype : NHML PF52990 (PI. 3, fig. 3). Paratypes : NHML PF52991-3 (PI. 3, figs. 1,2,4)
Type sample (& lithostrat): sample SS638
Type age (chronostrat): Early Barremian
Type locality: Tunisia, Djebel Oust III (SSW of Cheylus)
Type repository: London, UK; NHM

Linked specimens: London, UK; NHM (PM PF 52990)

Current identification/main database link: Gorbachikella depressa Boudagher-Fadel, Banner, Brown, Simmons, Gorbachil, 1995

Original Description

Gorbachikella depressa differs from G. kugleri in having a more depressed periphery of each chamber, a very low symmetrical axiointraumbilical aperture with a very weak rim, and a higher spire. The aperture is similar to the Conoglobigerina- type aperture, but the surface of the test is smooth and microperforate (see Pl. 3 , fig. 3b, 4b).

Extra details from original publication
G. depressa ranges in Tunisia throughout the Hauterivian and Barremian.


BouDagher-Fadel, M., Banner, F. T., Bown, P. R., Simmons, M. D. & Gorbachik, T. N. (1995). Gorbachikella from the Hauterivian, Barremian-Aptian of Tunisia. Revue de Micropaléontologie. 38(3): 179-193. gs

BouDagher-Fadel, M. K., Banner, F. T., Gorbachik, T. N., Simmons, M. D. & Whittaker, J. E. (1996). Evolution in the Early Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal genus Blefuscuiana. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen. 201(2): 243-258. gs


Gorbachikella depressa compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 13-2-2025

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Comments (2)



In the authority, the last name is Gorbachik not Gorbachil.

Same as for Gorbachikella grandiapertura

They also described Gorbachikella anteroapertura in the same paper.



thanks, I've corrected that, and added the missing species