Catalog - Hantkenina (Aragonella) Catalog - Hantkenina (Aragonella)

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Hantkenina (Aragonella) Thalmann 1942

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Hantkenina (Aragonella)

Citation: Hantkenina (Aragonella) Thalmann 1942
taxonomic rank: sub-genus
Type species: Hantkenina mexicana Cushman, 1924, var. aragonensis Nuttall, 1930

Current identification:

See also: Hantkenina mexicana aragonensis - type species;

Original Description

The most primitive representatives of this genus are allocated to the subgenus Aragonella, typified by Hantkenina aragonensis Nuttall, 1930. The species placed in this subgenus have 5-6 bilaterally compressed, distinctly separated and stellate arranged chambers; each chamber is elongated distally and terminates in a spine. The chambers are longer than broad; the spines are situated in the prolongation of the chamber-axis; the sutures are straight or only slightly curved. The size of the specimens of this subgenus varies between 0.45 and 1.00 mm. Unbroken spines measure about one-half the length of the chambers. The aperture is not visible, usua1Iy filled and indistinct.

Extra details from original publication
Species included by Thalmann 1942:


Thalmann, H. E. (1942). Foraminiferal genus Hantkenina and its subgenera. American Journal of Science. 240: 809-820. gs


Hantkenina (Aragonella) compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 10-9-2024

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