Catalog - Hastigerina Catalog - Hastigerina

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Hastigerina Thomson, in Murray 1876

This page provides data from the catalog of type descriptions. The catalog is sorted alphabetically. Use the current identification link to go back to the main database.

Higher levels: pf_cat -> H -> Hastigerina
Other pages this level: Haeuslerina, Haigella, Hantkenina, Hantkenina (Applinella), Hantkenina (Aragonella), Hantkenina (Cribrohantkenina), Hantkenina (Hantkenina), Hartella, Hastigerina, Hastigerina (Bolliella), Hastigerina (Hastigerina), Hastigerinella, Hastigerinella (Hastigerinoides), Hastigerinoides, Hastigerinopsis, Hedbergella, Hedbergella (Asterohedbergella), Hedbergina, Helvetiella, Helvetoglobotruncana, Hendersonia, Hendersonites, Heterohelix, Heterohelix (Pseudoguembelina), Hillsella, Huberella

Hastigerina aspera digitata Subbotina 1964
= Planohedbergella escheri
Hastigerina digitata Rhumbler 1911
= Hastigerinella digitata
Hastigerina eocenica Berggren 1960
= Pseudohastigerina wilcoxensis
Hastigerina klampisensis Kadar 1975

Hastigerina murrayi Thomson, in Murray 1876
= Hastigerina pelagica
Hastigerina parapelagica Saito & Thompson, in Saito et al. 1976
= Hastigerina pelagica
Hastigerina primitiva El-Shinnawi 1975


Citation: Hastigerina Thomson, in Murray 1876
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Hastigerina murrayi Thomson 1876
Described on page(s) : 534

Current identification/main database link: Hastigerina Thomson, in Murray 1876

See also: Hastigerina (Hastigerina) - also used a sub-genus;

Original Description

Our tow-nets have perhaps in no single instance been dragged down to 200 fathoms without yielding some forms. At times they occur in vast numbers on the surface, and with a bottle can be picked up from a boat. In one specimen thus procured the sarcode of the animal was found thrown out into bubble-like extensions between the spines of the shell, and over these expansions of the sarcode and along the spines the pseudopodia moved freely and rapidly. Mr. Wild has figured this specimen in Plates 22 and 23, and Professor Wyville Thomson proposes to describe it under the generic name of Hastigerina. [Murray 1876, p534]


Murray, J. (1876). Preliminary reports to Professor Wyville Thomson. F. R. S., director of the Civilian Scientific Staff, on work done on board the "Challenger". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 24: 471-544. gs


Hastigerina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-1-2025

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