Catalog - Hastigerinopsis Catalog - Hastigerinopsis

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Hastigerinopsis Saito & Thompson, in Saito et al. 1976

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Hastigerinopsis digitiformans Saito & Thompson, in Saito et al.  1976
= Hastigerinella digitata


Citation: Hastigerinopsis Saito & Thompson, in Saito et al. 1976
taxonomic rank: Genus
Type species: Hastigerinopsis digitiformans Saito and Thompson.1976

Current identification/main database link: Hastigerinella Cushman 1927

Original Description

Test free, a low trochospiral coil becoming streptospiral in later growth stages; initial chambers globular; later chambers becoming radially elongate, often with a bulbous swelling near the distal end of the chamber, and becoming bifurcate or trifurcate in the final chambers of well-preserved mature specimens; aperture an interiomarginal, extraumbilical-umbilical arch, becoming spiroumbilical and equatorial; spines consistently triradiate in cross section from their proximal to their distal ends, with irregularly spaced 2-pointed barbs along spine blade edges; spines and spine bases concentrated on distal terminus of each chamber; wall calcareous, finely perforate with widely spaced, subcircular pores; interpore areas broad and granulate.

Hasta-Latin . a spear; + gero - Latin. bear or carry; + opsis Greek, appearance or likeness; gender. feminine.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks: The genus Hastigerinella was established by Cushman in 1927. As type species of this monotypic genus, he designated "Hasterigerina [sicl] digitata" of Rhumbler (1911. p. 202, plate 37, figure 9a-b), on the assumption that Rhumbler's usage of the name Hastigerina digitata was a proposal of a new taxon. lt was most unfortunate that in his publication of 1911. Rhumbler nowhere cited the name of the author of H. digitata, thus introducing a false premise to subsequent workers on planktonic foraminifera that this was indeed an erection of a new foraminiferal species. As pointed out by Charmatz (1964) in a series of discussions (Charmatz. 1963, 1964; Loeblich and Tappan, 1964; Banner, 1965) on the validity of the genus Hastigerinella and the species "Hastigerina digitata Rhumbler, 1911", Cushman (1927) and subsequent workers overlooked Rhumbler's earlier publication (1895. p. 94), in which he clearly indicated that the name "Hastigerina digitata" was a generic shift of the already available species Globigerina digitata Brady, 1879, not the proposal of a new species. According to him, the new combination was necessary to differentiate it from other species of Globigerina because of the "three-edged spines" of digitata as opposed to the spines of Globigerina and Orbulina, which possess a round cross section. This 1895 description by Rhumbler of Hastigerina digitata (Brady) is reproduced in text-figure 3, since this description presents the clue to the whole question of the validity of "Hastigerina digitata Rhumbler. 1911". The second use of Hastigerina digitata (Brady), prior to Rhumbler's use of "Hastigerina digitata" in 1911, was by Fornasini (1899, pp. 207, 215), who included both Globigerina digitata Brady and Rhumbler's 1895 generic shift to Hastigerina digitata (Brady) in his synonymy. In 1901, Rhumbler again employed the name Hastigerina digitata (Brady).

There is no evidence that Rhumbler changed his taxonomic concept of Hastigerina digitata between his 1901 paper and the mention of the same name in his 1911 publication. This. when viewed in light of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, dictates, as has been pointed out by Charmatz (1964. p. 496), that :
  1. "Hastigerina digitata Rhumbler, 1911" of authors is a non-existent form; 
  2. The supposedly monotypic genus Hastigerinella Cushman was therefore without a type species, and indeed without any species at all. at the time of publication; and 
  3. Hastigerinella rhumbleri Galloway, 1933, which was explicitly proposed as a replacement name for "Hastigerina digitata Rhumbler. 1911" is not a validly proposed name, inasmuch as it was proposed to replace a taxonomically unavailable name (I. C. Z. N., Art. 13 (a) (iii)). 
To validly represent the specimens so far identified by various authors either as "Hastigerinella digitata (Rhumbler)" or "Hastigerinella rhumbleri Galloway" in violation of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, the genus Hastigerinopsis is hereby proposed, and the type species is designated as Hastigerinopsis digitiformans Saito and Thompson. n. sp.

Editors' Notes
The argumentation given here on the validity of Hastigerinella digitata (Rhumbler) was formally rejected by the ICZN - Coxall 2003, see also Brummer & Kucera 2022. 
The name has occasionaly been miscited as Hastigerinellopsis Saito 1976


Banner, F. T. (1965). On Hastigerinella digitata (Rhumbler, 1911). Micropaleontology. 11(1): 114-116. gs

Brummer, G-J. A. & Kucera, M. (2022). Taxonomic review of living planktonic foraminifera. Journal of Micropalaeontology. 41: 29-74. gs

Charmatz, (1963). On "Hastigerina digitata Rhumbler, 1911". Micropaleontology. 9(2): 228-. gs

Charmatz, (1964). On "Hastigerina digitata Rhumbler, 1911"; Reply. Micropaleontology. 10(4): 496-. gs

Coxall, H. K. (2003). Hastigerinella Cushman, 1927 and Clavigerinella Bolli, Loeblich & Tappan, 1957 (Rhizopodea, Foraminiferida): proposed conservation of the usage by designation of Hastigerina digitata Rhumbler, 1911 as the type species of Hastigerinella. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. 60: 182-186. gs

Loeblich, A. R. & Tappan, H. (1964b). Sarcodina, Chiefly "Thecamoebians" and Foraminiferida. In, Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Protista 2, pt. C. University of Kansas Press, Lawrence 1-900. gs

Rhumbler, L. (1911). Die Foraminiferen (Thalamophoren) der Plankton-Expedition: Teil 1. Die allgemeinen Organisations verhaltnisse der Foraminiferen, Plankton Expedition Humbold-Stiftung, Ergeben 3, L. C 1. . 1-331. gs

Saito, T., Thompson, P. R. & Breger, D. (1976). Skeletal ultra-microstructure of some elongate-chambered planktonic foraminifera and related species. In, Takayanagi, Y. & Saito, T. (eds) Progress in Micropaleontology, Special Publication. Micropaleontology Press, The American Museum of Natural History, New York 278-304. gs


Hastigerinopsis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 19-9-2024

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