Catalog - Hedbergina Catalog - Hedbergina

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Hedbergina Brönnimann & Brown 1956

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> H -> Hedbergina
Other pages this level: Haeuslerina, Haigella, Hantkenina, Hantkenina (Applinella), Hantkenina (Aragonella), Hantkenina (Cribrohantkenina), Hantkenina (Hantkenina), Hartella, Hastigerina, Hastigerina (Bolliella), Hastigerina (Hastigerina), Hastigerinella, Hastigerinella (Hastigerinoides), Hastigerinoides, Hastigerinopsis, Hedbergella, Hedbergella (Asterohedbergella), Hedbergina, Helvetiella, Helvetoglobotruncana, Hendersonia, Hendersonites, Heterohelix, Heterohelix (Pseudoguembelina), Hillsella, Huberella


Citation: Hedbergina Brönnimann & Brown 1956
taxonomic rank: Genus
Type species: Globigerina seminolensis Harlton

Current identification:

See also: Hedbergella - replacement name;

Original Description

The smooth- to rough-walled, calcareous hyaline lest is trochospirally coiled. Its small early chambers are globular, inflated, and globigerine-like. The last few chambers are elongated and extend into a relatively small umbilicus. The aperture is rounded, interiomarginal, and opens into the umbilicus. Short apertural flaps extend into the umbilicus but do not form an umbilical cover-plate.

This genus is named for Hollis D. Hedberg.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks: The most characteristic feature of Hedbergina, n. gen., is the extension of the last few chambers into the umbilicus. This represents a stage in the phylogeny from a "Globigerina" with a tight umbilicus to Ticinella Reichel with a large umbilicus and umbilical cover-plate. In this lineage the enlarging umbilicus was at first minimized by extension of the last few chambers as a whole into it as represented by Hedbergina. Later in the lineage the umbilicus became too large to be filled in by the chambers as a whole. However, by extending only the apertural flaps, and not the chambers as a whole, the large umbilicus was covered by an umbilical cover-plate composed of extended apertural flaps as represented by Ticinella.
This genus closely resembles Ticinella, but it has no imperforate umbilical cover-plate, and its last few chambers are elongated and extend into its umbilicus. The later chambers of Hastigerinella Cushman are elongate, but unlike those of Hedbergina n. gen., they extend away from the umbilicus. Hedbergina, n. gen., differs from Pseudovalvulineria Brotzen (genotype: Rosalina lorneiana d'Orbigny) in possessing early globigerine-like chambers and a rounded aperture.

Age: Aptian or Albian to Cenomanian

Editors' Notes
This genus was renamed Hedbergella by Brönnimann & Brown (1958) after it as discovered that the designated type species, Globigerina seminolensis Harlton, was not a member of the group. The new genus Hedbergella had the same diagnosis and descrition but a new type species - Anomalina lorneiana (d’Orbigny) var. trocoidea Gandolfi, 1942.


Brönnimann, P. & Brown, N. K. (1956). Taxonomy of the Globotruncanidae. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 48: 503-562. gs O

Brönnimann, P. & Brown, N. K. (1958). Hedbergella, a new name for a Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal genus. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 48: 15-17. gs


Hedbergina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 12-1-2025

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