CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Huberella praehuberi Georgescu 2007
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Original Description Test biserial throughout consisting of fifteen to seventeen chambers, which increase slowly in size as added. The proloculus is small-sized and is followed by the slightly large-side second chambers. Earlier chambers are subglobular in shape, then subrectangular, the last-formed ones being reniform and tilted and with a small test wall flexure oriented towards the zigzag suture. The resulted chamber inflation is attached to the previous formed chamber of the row in the morphologically advanced specimens. Test axis of growth can be slightly twisted in the plane of symmetry. Sutures are distinct, depressed, straight between the earlier chambers and curved between the last-formed ones, oblique to the test axis of growth. The test is symmetrical in edge view, with broadly rounded periphery and without peripheral structures. Aperture is a medium to high arch situated at the base of the last-formed chamber. It is bordered by two symmetrically developed periapertural flanges. False accessory apertural openings can be present along the zigzag suture at the specimens with developed text wall flexure. Chamber surface is ornamented with fine, often discontinuous and closely spaced costae. Test wall is calcareous, hyaline and microperforate, pore diameter ranging between 0.7 and 0.9 microns. Pores are mostly situated in the narrow spaces between costae, more rarely over these ornamentation elements resulting in interrupted ornamentation feature. Size: Dimensions of the holotype. Length: L = 0.322 mm; width: W = 0.217 mm; W/L = 0.653; thickness: t = 0.117 mm; t/L = 0.352. Etymology: Prefix “prae-” is added to the species name “huberi”. Extra details from original publication Remarks. H. praehuberi differs from Heterohelix moremani in having (i) costate ornamentation rather than smooth test surface and (ii) the presence of the test wall flexure resulting in chamber inflation, which is attached to the previous chamber of the row.
Georgescu, M. D. (2007a). A new planktonic heterohelicid foraminiferal genus from the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian). Micropaleontology. 53: 212-220. gs
Georgescu, M. D. (2007b). Taxonomic re-evaluation of the Late Cretaceous serial planktonic foraminifer Gümbelina punctulata Cushman, 1938 and related species. Revista Española de Micropaleontología. 39: 1-14. gs
Huberella praehuberi compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project teamviewed: 16-9-2024
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