Catalog - Orbulina cornwallisi Catalog - Orbulina cornwallisi

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Orbulina cornwallisi McLean 1956

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> O -> Orbulina -> Orbulina cornwallisi
Other pages this level: O. bituminosa, O. circularosuturalis, O. cornwallisi, O. foveolata, O. foveolata maculata , O. gemina, O. granulata, O. granulata areolata, O. granulata atra, O. granulata impressa, O. hirta, O. imperfecta, O. nitida, O. parva, O. petraea, O. quadrilobata alpha, O. quadrilobata incrusta, O. suturalis, O. trisphaerica, O. tuberculata, O. universa, O. universa aculeata, O. universa alpha, O. universa beta, O. universa bisphaerica, O. universa fulvoviolacea, O. universa parkerae, O. universa spinescens

Orbulina cornwallisi

Citation: Orbulina cornwallisi McLean 1956
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: PI. 53, figs. 3a-b; Holotype, P.R.I., No. 22,411; paratypes, P.R.I., No. 22,412 and U.S.N.M., No. P3107.: holotype, no. 22~11; and unfigured paratypes, no. 22~12. Other unfigured paratypes United States National Museum, Washington, D. C.;
Type sample (& lithostrat): Yorktown Fm.
Type age (chronostrat): Late Miocene - Early Pliocene (age of Yorktown Fm)
Type locality: Moore House Beach, York-James Peninsula, Virginia
Type repository: Ithaca; Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York;

Linked specimens: USNM-3107

Current identification:

Original Description

Test small, almost a sphere; wall thin, glassy, perforate; with a few megapores and numerous micropores, each pore surrounded with a whitened area beveled inward toward the pore.

Diameter of holotype, 0.50 mm.

Named for General Cornwallis who surrendered at Yorktown to end the War of the Revolution.

Extra details from original publication
This form differs from Orbulina universa d'Orbigny in having no visible spinosity or "knobs" as reported for O. universa.


McLean, J. D. (1956). The foraminifera of the York-Jones Peninsula of Virginia, with notes on the associated mollusks. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 36: 261-294. gs


Orbulina cornwallisi compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 7-2-2025

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