Catalog - Orbulina parva Catalog - Orbulina parva

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Orbulina parva Rhumbler in Wetzel 1949

This page provides data from the catalog of type descriptions. The catalog is sorted alphabetically. Use the current identification link to go back to the main database.

Higher levels: pf_cat -> O -> Orbulina -> Orbulina parva
Other pages this level: O. bituminosa, O. circularosuturalis, O. cornwallisi, O. foveolata, O. foveolata maculata , O. gemina, O. granulata, O. granulata areolata, O. granulata atra, O. granulata impressa, O. hirta, O. imperfecta, O. nitida, O. parva, O. petraea, O. quadrilobata alpha, O. quadrilobata incrusta, O. suturalis, O. trisphaerica, O. tuberculata, O. universa, O. universa aculeata, O. universa alpha, O. universa beta, O. universa bisphaerica, O. universa fulvoviolacea, O. universa parkerae, O. universa spinescens

Orbulina parva

Citation: Orbulina parva Rhumbler in Wetzel 1949
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: Rhumbler 1911 pl34 f 7-8, 10 ,11
Type age (chronostrat): Recent
Type locality: Atlantic Ocean

Current identification/main database link: Orbulina universa d’Orbigny, 1839

Original Description

No description given - hence species is invlaid

Editors' Notes
The plates of Rhumbler 1911 were printed without the plate captions in which somw new taxa were listed.


Rhumbler, L. (1911). Die Foraminiferen (Thalamophoren) der Plankton-Expedition: Teil 1. Die allgemeinen Organisations verhaltnisse der Foraminiferen, Plankton Expedition Humbold-Stiftung, Ergeben 3, L. C 1. . 1-331. gs

Wetzel, O (1949). Plate explanations of Rhumbler's “Plankton- Expedition”. The Micropaleontologist. 3(2): 33-40. gs


Orbulina parva compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 7-2-2025

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