Catalog - Orbulina suturalis Catalog - Orbulina suturalis

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Orbulina suturalis Brönnimann 1952

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Orbulina suturalis

Citation: Orbulina suturalis Brönnimann 1952
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: Holotype. figure IV, figs. 15, 16, 20, , (Cushman Coli. No. 64181)
Type age (chronostrat): Miocene, Globorotalia menardii Zone.
Type locality: Trinidad, B. W. I.
Type repository: Washington; USNM

Linked specimens: USNM-206951 USNM-206962 USNM-206974 USNM-206959 USNM-206949 USNM-206979 USNM-206942 USNM-206966 USNM-206956 USNM-206965 USNM-206971 USNM-206943 USNM-64181 USNM-206972 USNM-206960 USNM-206952 USNM-206957 USNM-206975 USNM-206968 USNM-206961 USNM-206954 USNM-206978 USNM-206970 USNM-206969 USNM-206944 USNM-206948 USNM-206963 USNM-206953 USNM-206964 USNM-206947 USNM-206977 USNM-206973 USNM-206980 USNM-206967 USNM-206958 USNM-206976 USNM-206945 USNM-206950 USNM-206955 USNM-206946

Current identification/main database link: Orbulina suturalis Brönnimann, 1951

Original Description

End chamber globular, not entirely enveloping the preceding Globigerina chambers. Tests showing all transitional stages from a partly enveloped Globigerina to an almost completely enveloped one. In the final stage, the Globigerina-chambers visible only as a small rounded area, projecting slightly above the general surface. Tests small. No definite aperture present, but subcircular to irregularly shaped openings occur along sutures, separating the Globigerina chambers from the globular end chamber and occasionally outside the sutural grooves as well. Wall cancellate, with regularly arranged minute perforations, thin or fairly thick, composed of one or more layers.

Diameter of holotype 0.312 mm.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks: The openings along the sutures are not always discernible due to the masking effect of adhering matrix. Additional larger openings pierce the wall of the globular chamber, and although scattered they appear to be limited within a certain area. The dimensions of the tests and the sizes-of the openings vary considerably and it may be possible that the perforations in general can be used as a morphologic criterion (Hofker, 1950, pp. 16-17). The Globigerina stage is somewhat concealed in thick shelled individuals because the additional thin layers also cover the initial portion of the test. The initial chamber is very rarely visible, and the number of Globigerina chambers cannot be exactly established.


Brönnimann, P. (1951a). Globigerinita naparimaensis n. gen., n. sp., from the Miocene of Trinidad, B. W. I. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 2(1): 16-18. gs

Brönnimann, P. (1951b). The genus Orbulina d'Orbigny in the Oligo-Miocene of Trinidad, B. W. I. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 2(4): 135+-. gs

Jedlitschka, H. (1934). Uber Candorbulina, eine neue Foraminiferen-Gattung und zwei neue Candeina-Arten. Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereins in Brunn. 65: 17-26. gs


Orbulina suturalis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 7-2-2025

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