Catalog - Orbulina trisphaerica Catalog - Orbulina trisphaerica

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Orbulina trisphaerica Souaya 1966

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> O -> Orbulina -> Orbulina trisphaerica
Other pages this level: O. bituminosa, O. circularosuturalis, O. cornwallisi, O. foveolata, O. foveolata maculata , O. gemina, O. granulata, O. granulata areolata, O. granulata atra, O. granulata impressa, O. hirta, O. imperfecta, O. nitida, O. parva, O. petraea, O. quadrilobata alpha, O. quadrilobata incrusta, O. suturalis, O. trisphaerica, O. tuberculata, O. universa, O. universa aculeata, O. universa alpha, O. universa beta, O. universa bisphaerica, O. universa fulvoviolacea, O. universa parkerae, O. universa spinescens

Orbulina trisphaerica

Citation: Orbulina trisphaerica Souaya 1966
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: Plate 4, figure 10
Type sample (& lithostrat): sample H 1300
Type age (chronostrat): Geologic age: Middle Miocene.
Type locality: West flank of Gebel el-Zeit (north section), African side of the Gulf of Suez
Type repository: authors collection

Current identification:

Original Description

The test has often an approximately rounded triangular outline. It consists of three conspicuous chambers, each chamber occupying one corner of the triangle. The chambers may be either of unequal size or nearly of the same size, fairly globular or tending to become so. There are sometimes small openings along the suture lines between the chambers.

Length and breadth, 0.44-0.54 mm.; thickness, 0.22- 0.34 mm.

Extra details from original publication
Occurrence: Wadi Gharandel section (species no. 111 ) and west flank of Gebel el-Zeit (north section).

Remarks: Candeina triloba Jedlitschka includes a variety of forms (1934, text-figs. 13- 18, 20) which belong to Orbulina. None of them has, however, reached the stage of O. trisphaerica s. s., although text-figure 14 is an approach to it.


Souaya, F. J. (1966b). Miocene foraminifera of the Gulf of Suez region, UAR; part 2, Systematics (Rotaloidea). Micropaleontology. 12(1): 43-64. gs


Orbulina trisphaerica compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 7-2-2025

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