Catalog - Orbulina universa bisphaerica Catalog - Orbulina universa bisphaerica

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Orbulina universa var. bisphaerica LeRoy 1941

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Orbulina universa bisphaerica

Citation: Orbulina universa var. bisphaerica LeRoy 1941
Taxonomic rank: variety
Type specimens: no. 2134 Representative material filed in the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research, Sharon, Mass . ; the Paleontological Collections at Stanford University, Calif.; and the Bandung Museum Collections, Bandung, Java.
Type sample (& lithostrat): Sangkoelirang marls; a thick, interbedded series of dull greenish-gray foraminiferal shale, silty shale, limyshale, clayshale, marl, sandy marl, and a few impure limestones.
Type age (chronostrat): Uppermost Miocene or early Pliocene
Type locality: Locality E-2, vicinity of Sangkoelirang Bay, east coast of Borneo, Netherlands Indies; near the intersection of north latitude 1°00' and east longitude 118°00'.
Type repository: Golden Colorado; Department of Geology, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colo.;

Linked specimens: USNM-257424

Current identification:

Original Description

The specimen differs from the original by having two attached spheres, one of which is partially enveloped within the other. This variety has been observed in the Miocene of central Sumatra. In the Borneo material it is rather rare.

Dimensions: Length 0.65 mm., diameter of larger sphere 0.53 mm.


LeRoy, L. W. (1941). Small foraminifera from the late Tertiary of the Nederlands East Indies, part 1. Small foraminifera from the late Tertiary of the Sangkoelirang Bay area, east Borneo, Netherlands East Indies. Colorado School of Mines Quarterly. 36(1): 12-69. gs


Orbulina universa bisphaerica compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 7-2-2025

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