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This page provides data from the catalog of type descriptions. The catalog is sorted alphabetically. Use the current identification link to go back to the main database.
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Editors' Notes
"We greatly regret the opinion rendered by the I.C.Z.N. (opinion552), which rejected the prior family name Orbulinidae Schultze in favour of Globigerinidae Carpenter on the grounds of usage, since the change seems to us to be quite unnecessary, and some of the facts given in the proposal (Dusenbury 1957, Bull. Zool. Nomenc. 13, part 6) can be shown to be incorrect - for example, the range ofthe genus Globigerina is not so great as that claimed by Dusenbury (op. cit., p. 194) and the apparent abundance of the genus Globigerina in Recent deposits is reduced when the interpretation of that genus is restricted." [Banner & Blow 1959 p2-3].
Despite this opinion the name can still be used as a sub-family: Orbulininae Schultze 1854 - and it has been used at this level by for instance Cushman 1927 and Banner & Blow 1959
Orbulinidae compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 20-1-2025
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