Catalog - Petaloglobigerina Catalog - Petaloglobigerina

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Petaloglobigerina Gradstein, in Gradstein & Waskowska 2021

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Petaloglobigerina simmonsi Gradstein, in Gradstein & Waskowska 2021
= Petaloglobigerina simmonsi


Citation: Petaloglobigerina Gradstein, in Gradstein & Waskowska 2021
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Petaloglobigerina simmonsi Gradstein, in Gradstein & Waskowska 2021

Current identification/main database link: Petaloglobigerina Gradstein, in Gradstein & Waskowska 2021

Original Description

Test trochospiral, low spired, final whorl large and often flat with 3.5–4 petaloide and ovate chambers, rarely finger like; chamber periphery may become narrow and pointed, but not imperforate. In larger specimens, individual chambers in the last whorl may slightly twist from the axis of coiling; sutures strongly incised; umbilicus narrow or closed; aperture a narrow slit with rim at base of last chamber in umbilical position. A small and incomplete (half) bulla may be rarely present, covering the aperture. Wall microperforate and densely pustulose, with pustules fusing to form irregular ridges.

Extra details from original publication
The new genus occurs abundantly in samples from the lower Kimmeridgian. Tojeira Formation, Montejunto area (Estramadura), central Portugal.
Smaller, and likely mostly juvenile specimens in the assemblages have been previously referred to as Globuligerina balakhmatovae (Morozova) (Gradstein et al. 2017a, b) with its characteristic four chambers in the low concave last whorl, shaped in a clover-like pattern; aperture is slit and there is no bulla.
Globuligerina balakhmatovae represents a single taxon evolutionary branch of Jurassic planktonic foraminifera that has a low spired test and appears not to have changed test shape or wall texture from Bajocian through Kimmeridgian (Gradstein et al. 2018).
Characteristic specimens of G. balakhmatovae are illustrated in Fig. 4, nos. 4, 6-11 from the Khouroukra section in Dagestan (Upper Bajocian), which is the type section of the nominate species (Gradstein et al. 2017a) Similar specimens occur in the Tojeira section (Fig. 4, 2) and in the Bajocian through Oxfordian of the conjugate Grand Banks of Newfoundland (Fig. 4, nos. 1, 3-5), (see also Stam 1986).
It might be tempting to transfer all specimens of this long-ranging species to the new genus Petaloglobigerina, but this awaits a more detailed evaluation of the original types as designated by Morozova and Moskalenko (1961) and re-illustrated in Simmons et al. (1997). For example, the holotype, (but not the paratypes) of G. balakhmatovae appears to fall outside the common G. balakhmatovae morphology as we observe it; the holotype test is more inflated and chambers are not petaloid or ovate.


Gradstein, F. & Waskowska, A. (2021). New insights into the taxonomy and evolution of Jurassic planktonic foraminifera. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology. 140(1): 1-12. gs O

Morozova, V. G. & Moskalenko, T. A. (1961). Планктонные фораминиферы пограничных отложений байосского и батского ярусов Центрального Дагестана (Северо-Восточный Кавказ) [Foraminiferes planctoniques des depots limitrophes du Bajocien et du Bathonien du Daghestan central (Nord-Est du Caucase)]. Voprosyi Mikropaleontologii. 5: 3-30. gs

Simmons, M. D., Boudagher-Fadel, M. K., Banner, F. T. & Whittaker, J. E. (1997). The Jurassic Favusellacea, the earliest Globigerina. In, Boudagher-Fadel, M. K., Banner, F. T. & Whittaker, J. E. (eds) The Early Evolutionary History of Planktonic Foraminifera. British Micropalaeontological Society Publication Series . 17-30. gs


Petaloglobigerina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 13-2-2025

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