Catalog - Polycamerella Catalog - Polycamerella

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Polycamerella Huber & Petrizzo, in Huber et al 2022

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Polycamerella tardata Huber et al 2022
= Polycamerella tardata


Citation: Polycamerella Huber & Petrizzo, in Huber et al 2022
taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Polycamerella tardata Huber & Petrizzo, 2022
Type specimens: Holotype (USNM #770994) and paratypes (USNM #770995-770996)
Type sample (& lithostrat): DSDP Sample 465A-10-2, 75 cm
Type age (chronostrat): early Maastrichtian, Gansserina gansseri Zone
Type locality: Subtropical western Pacific, DSDP Site 465A
Type repository: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Current identification/main database link: Polycamerella Huber & Petrizzo, in Huber et al 2022

Original Description

Type of wall: Finely perforate with pores averaging 1.9 mm and ranging from 1.1–2.4 mm, wall surface with randomly scattered, fine muricae.

 Test morphology: Test planispirally coiled, biumbilicate, moderately evolute with a relatively broad, shallow umbilicus (UD:TD ratio average 0.31), equatorial outline weakly lobate, subcircular in peripheral outline with a rounded to subrounded peripheral margin, symmetrical in edge view, always biapertural; chambers weakly inflated, enlarging very slowly in size (y = 0.092x + 1.77) with uniform, log-linear growth throughout ontogeny (text-figs. 4a, 4e, 6), 22–23 total chambers in adult specimens usually coiled in 2.5 whorls (e.g., Pl. 21, Figs. 1c, 2c, 5c), average of 7.7 chambers and range of 7.0–8.5 chambers in the final whorl (Table 1), kummerform chambers rare (UCL:PCL ratio average 1.0); sutures slightly curved, weakly depressed; final chamber biapertural with a low arch or slit opening into the umbilicus, may show inward flexure along suture (Pl. 21, Figs. 1a, 3a, 5a, 6a, 8, 9a), bordered by a narrow, imperforate flap that extends into the umbilicus connecting with previous chambers, and may become outwardly folded and tubular shaped (e.g., Pl. 21, Figs. 1a, 3a, 5a, 6a, 11); relict apertures and apertural flaps visible surrounding the umbilicus.

Holotype maximum diameter 252 microns, maximum breadth 110 microns; paratype maximum diameter 234 microns, maximum breadth 95 microns, range 116–139 mirons; hypotypes maximum diameter average 231 microns and range from 202–277 microns.

“Poly” for “many” and “camer” for chamber to indicate “many-chambered”.


Huber, B. T., Petrizzo, M. M. & Falzoni, F. (2022b). Taxonomy and phylogeny of Albian–Maastrichtian planispiral planktonic foraminifera traditionally assigned to Globigerinelloides. Micropaleontology. 68(2): 117-183. gs


Polycamerella compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 8-9-2024

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