CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Pulleniatina okinawaensis Natori 1976
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Citation: Pulleniatina okinawaensis Natori 1976taxonomic rank: speciesType specimens: GSJ Reg. No. F 5946Type sample (& lithostrat): sample T-91, Chinen Sand of the Ryukyu Group,Type age (chronostrat): N22, Pleistocene, in the Globorotalia (G.) truncatulinoides Partial-range-zone.Type locality: Naha-Chinen section, Okinawa-jima; Japan Type repository: Geological Survey of Japan
Original Description Test low trochospiral in early stage, becoming slightly streptospiral in later stage, biconvex. ventrally involute, dorsally completely evolute; equatorial periphery lobate, axial periphery rounded; chambers spherical in early stage, becoming somewhat laterally compressed in last whorl; chambers, about nine, arranged in about two and a half whorls, usually with 3½ to 4 chambers in last whorl. often rapidly increasing in size; umbilical area broadly depressed. slightly umbilicate; aperture interiomarginal. broad. medium arch. with no lip; apertural face often pustulate; wall calcareous. thick. pitted except for a narrow ventral area facing aperture. thickest over early chambers; surface rough with coarser pore pits in earlier stage, becoming smooth. polished in later stage; pore pits fringed with steep hexagonal interpore ridges in earlier stage. but no interpore ridges on wall of last chamber. Size: Maximum diameter of holotype, 0.38 mm.; maximum thickness. 0.29 mm Extra details from original publication Remarks: This taxon has a test that is trochospiral in the earlier stage and becomes slightly streptospiral in the later stage. Therefore, it may be referable to the genus Pulleniatina, described and discussed by Banner and Blow (1967) in great detail. This species differs from Pulleniatina primalis in having fewer chambers in the last whorl instead of more than four in the latter species; in having a broadly, slightly depressed umbilical area; in its coarser wall which resembles that in species of Globigerina more than that in P. primalis, and in its looser coiling of the test.
Occurrence: Common.
Stratigraphic range: The uppermost part of the Globorota!ia (G.) tumida tumida to Sphaeroidinella dehiscens dehiscens Interval-zone to the G. (G.) truncatulinoides Partial-range-zone.
Natori, H. (1976). Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and datum planes in the Late Cenozooic sedimentary sequence in Okinawa-jima, Japan. Progress in Micropaleontology. 214-243. gs
Saito, T., Thompson, P. R. & Breger, D. (1976). Skeletal ultra-microstructure of some elongate-chambered planktonic foraminifera and related species. In, Takayanagi, Y. & Saito, T. (eds) Progress in Micropaleontology, Special Publication. Micropaleontology Press, The American Museum of Natural History, New York 278-304. gs
Pulleniatina okinawaensis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project teamviewed: 20-9-2024
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