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Linked specimens: USNM-219448
Current identification/main database link: Pulleniatina primalis Banner & Blow, 1967
Original Description
Simultaneously they become elongate in an axial direction as in Pulleniatina spectabilis spectabilis Parker, 1965, and in Pulleniatina spectabilis praespectabilis Brönnimann and Resig, n. subsp. However,they do not cover, through the cameral sutures, the well-defined angularly contoured deep umbilical cavity of about 50 microns maximum diameter. As in Pulleniatina spectabilis praespectabilis, also in the holotype of Pulleniatina praepulleniatina, the ultimate chamber does not extend as far ventrally as the penultimate and antepenultimate chambers. In spiral view, the outline of the test is somewhat lobate, at least in the portion formed by the last four chambers. The radial cameral and the spiral sutures of the final whorl are incised.
Those of the earliest portion of the trochospire are not discernible because they are masked by secondary shell material. The ventral cameral sutures are radial. In lateral view, the outline of the test is broadly rounded peripherally, flat to faintly depressed dorsally and asymmetrically convex-rounded ventrally.
In the beginning of the trochospire, the chambers are subglobular. During growth of the final whorl, they become more and more elongate in an axial direction, show onlap dorsally and extend ventrally. These ontogenetic modifications of chamber form and arrangement are accompanied by a slight change in the coiling direction of the test from a turborotaliid to a very slightly streptospiral trochospire. The aperture is an umbilical-extraumbilical slit-like opening of about 25 microns height which extends from the umbilicus up to the shoulder of the first chamber of the last whorl. The aperture of the holotype shows, in its peripheral portion, a strong rounded rim, reminiscent of that observed in Globorotalia (Turborotalia) acostaensis acostaensis Blow, 1959 (1969, pi. 9, fig. 13-15) and Globorotalia (Turborotalia) acostaensis humerosa
Takayanagi and Saito, 1962. The calcareous wall is perforate and the surface of the early chambers distinctly pustulate. The surface of the three last chambers, however, is progressively more finely pustulate and approaches the surface structure as seen on the early chambers of the last whorl of primitive pulleniatines, such as, Pulleniatina primalis Banner and Blow,1967. The pustules are composite and form through basal and lateral fusion a well-developed polygonal meshwork. Each funnel-shaped compartment surrounds a deeply set rounded wall pore. The holotype of Pulleniatina praepulleniatina coils to the right.
Extra details from original publication
acostaensis acostaensis-acostaensis humerosa group of forms, independently of Pulleniatina praepulleniatina.
Pulleniatina primalis has a smoother surface and pustules on the ventral surface of the first chamber of the last whorl in front of the aperture. The chambers of the final whorl here extend much farther ventrally than in Pulleniatina praepulleniatina, where the umbilical cavity also remains open in the adult. Pulleniatina praepulleniatina is, in any case, more turborotaliid than Pulleniatina primalis. On the other hand Pulleniatina primalis is always evolute dorsally, whereas Pulleniatina praepulleniatina shows in the last chambers of the final whorl a slight tendency toward dorsal involution. In its general aspect, outline and wall surface, Pulleniatina primalis is closer to the later streptospiral typical pulleniatines than Pulleniatina praepulleniatina. Reference is made to Banner and Blow's (1967) description of the holotype of Pulleniatina primalis and their illustrations on Plate 1, Figures 3 through 8 and Plate 3, Figures 2a-c. We have illustrated several paratypes of Pulleniatina praepulleniatina on Plate 20, Figures 1 through 6 and 8; of the five individuals illustrated, four
coil to the right and one to the left. The ventral extension of the final chambers and their tendency to overlap dorsally is quite variable, as is also the strength of the lip-like imperforate rim. The placing of some of the individuals either in the Globorotalia (Turborotalia) acostaensis acostaensis-Globorotalia (Turborotalia) acostaensis humerosa group of forms or in Pulleniatina praepulleniatina will clearly depend on the observers taxonomic judgement.
The maximum diameter of paratypes varies from about 350 to 415 microns, the maximum height is from about 250 to 300 microns.
Pulleniatina praepulleniatina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-10-2024
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