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Linked specimens: London, UK; NHM (1959.7.27.3) USNM-245371
Current identification/main database link: Globorotalia menardii (Parker, Jones & Brady, 1865 after d'Orbigny, 1826 nomen nudum)
Description of lectotype: The fairly large test consists of about 3 whorls of fairly rapidly enlarging chambers arranged in a moderately low trochospire. There are about 5½ chambers present in the last whorl (the final chamber being damaged peripherally). The equatorial profile of the test is subcircular and its equatorial periphery is moderately lobulate. In axial profile the test is moderately compressed, being almost equally biconvex and the axial periphery is acute and ICtrongly carinate. In dorsal aspect the chambers are weakly inflated and are little, if at all, embracing; the chambers are nearly as long circumferentially as they are broad radially. The dorsal sutures are slightly depressed and are thickened with a deposit of clear shell ends of the dorsal interc.ameral sutures meet the moderately lobulate spiral suture almost at right angles, while they become smoothly recurved distally to meet the periphery almost tangentially, In ventral aspect the chambers are sub-triangular and moderately inflated. The ventral intercameral sutures are depressed, not thickened or limbate, and are nearly radial being slightly curved to sinuous. The umbilicus is small (compared to overall test size), but it is open and deep. The inner parts of the ventral chamber sides form inconspicuous umbilical shoulders. The primary aperture is interiomarginal, umbilical-extraumbilical, a moderately high arch extending for the full length of the ventral basal suture of the final chamber. The primary aperture is furnished, along its length, with a uniformly developed thin, but hispid, lip. Relict parts of the apertures of the later chambers of the last whorl, together with their lips, may be seen within the umbilicus. The apertural face of the terminal chamber is slightly flattened although there is no angular delimitation between it and the adjacent ventral face; the apertural face is limited peripherally by a slender continuation of the carina and the face slightly concave in the vicinity of it. The wall is finely perforate except in the imperforate regions of the dorsal sutures and the peripheral carina. The surface of the test is smooth except for weakly hispid areas on the ventral faces of the first two chambers of the last whorl and the adjacent parts of the carina. [Banner & Blow 1960] FROM BANNER & BLOW 1960: Taxonomic remarks: The name Rotalia (Rotalie) menardii was first proposed by d'Orbigny in 1826 for material seen by him from the Adriatic Sea near to Rimini. He gave no description, illustration, reference to prior synonymous name or any other valid indication of the nature of the species; he merely referred to model number 10 (1e livraison) which had been issued to private subscribers in 1823. As the model cannot count as a published indication or description (fide R. V. Melville) the name Rotalia (Rotalie) menardii was nomen nudum and had no taxonomic availability whatsoever, not even under the rules of homonymy. In 1865, Parker, Jones and Brady published the first valid indication for this species; they published a drawing of d'Orbigny's model no. 10 and this constitutes the first published indication. It should be noted that d'Orbigny's model was only available to private subscribers whereas the drawing by Parker, Jones and Brady was contained in a recognised scientific work which was for public sale. Although the model was made by d'Orbigny, the publication and illustration were made by Parker, Jones and Brady and we are informed by the Assistant Secretary of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (R. V. Melville) that .the binomen Rotalia menardii belongs to Parker, Jones and Brady and dates from their work in 1865. This case contrasts to those where d'Orbigny's species were subsequently validated by the later publication (by Fornasini) of d'Orbigny's own drawings. Parker, Jones and Brady (op. cit., p. 20) recorded that they had observed some specimens of Rotalia material which appears to be continuous with the menardii in "sands dredged from deep-water off the Isle of Man."" These specimens, together with any material labelled by d'Orbigny in or prior to 1826 (because the d'Orbigny 1826 reference was placed in full synonymy by Parker, Jones and Brady), would constitute the syntypic specimens of the species Rotalia menardii. With the assistance of MM. Marie, Lys and Sornay, we searched through the A. d'Orbigny collections in Paris for d'Orbigny's syntypic specimens of R. menardii and, together with the French authorities, we are confident that no such syntypic specimens exist. However, H. B. Brady and his brother, G. S. Brady, collected many samples of recent material from off the coast of the Isle of Man (Irish Sea) in June 1863. These samples are still extant in the collections deposited in the British Museum (Natural History), London. Also present in the H. B. Brady collections is a slide labelled in Brady's handwriting ""Pulvin. menardii, off Laxey, Isle of Man, 15 fathorns."" This slide contained three specimens, and, because no other specimens are recorded or exist which came from this locality and which were labelled "" menardii"" by Parker, Jones or Brady prior to 1865, these specimens constitute the only available syntypic series for the species Rotalia 1nenardii Parker, Jones and Brady 1865. Parker, Jones and Brady (1865, p. 20) considered that this species was subspecifically related to Pulvinulina repanda and it is probably for this reason that Brady's slide was inscribed ""PuZvin. menardii."" However, Parker, Jones and Brady originally described this form under the heading "" Rotalia menardii"" for it is this name which clearly refers to their illustration. Hence, Rotalia menardii is the correct original name for this species. All the three syntypic specimens had undergone Idamage. The best preserved of the three has been isolated, and is now registered in the British Museum (Natural History) as specimen no. 1959.7.27.3. This specimen is here designated lectotype of Rotalia menardii Parker, Jones and Brady 1865 and is here illustrated (pl. 6, figs. 2a-c) and described. [Banner & Blow 1960] Remarks: This form appears to have been referred to by very many authors as Globorotalia menardii (d'Orbigny); because the taxon Rotalia menardii d'Orbigny has never existed, the concept of the species maintained by these authors (e. g., Cushman and Henbest 1940, Coryell and Rivero 1940, LeRoy 1941, Stainforth 1948, Wiseman and Ovey 1950, Phleger, Parker and Peirson 1953, Weiss 1955, Hofker 1956, Bolli 1957, Blow 1959, etc.) has been without real foundation. The species "" Globorotalia menardii d'Orbigny"" has been extensively used by authors during the last three decades, fortunately basing their concepts on the later work of Brady (1884). In consequence we consider that the authors cited above have correctly used the name "" menardii"" although it was not realised that the species belonged to Parker, Jones and Brady (1865) and not to d'Orbigny (1826). Owing to the extensive usage of the taxon ""G. menardii d'Orbigny,"" it is unfortunate that it is impossible to maintain that species; it has never been validated, and is even predated by the well described and illustrated Rotalina cultrata d'Orbigny 1839 which is clearly conspecific (see p. 34, pl. 6, figs. la-c). As much as we would have liked to invoke plenary powers of the r.C.Z.N. to suppress the little used name Rotalina cultrata in favour of Rotalia menardii d'Orbigny, this cannot be done as the latter name has never possessed taxonomic availability. It may be considered preferable to suppress the name Rotalina cultrata d'Orbigny 1839 in favour of Rotalina menardii Parker, Jones and Brady 1865, but, while we believe them to be conspecific, there are still grounds for considering them to be subspecifically distinct. This is a subjective matter and should be considered by all specialists. As the suppression of Rotalina cultrata would then entail the loss of the only available name for that morphological group, we have retained it as the senior name for the species, and consider that menardii should remain available for use at subspecific level. [Banner & Blow 1960]
Original Description
Extra details from original publication
Banner, F. T. & Blow, W. H. (1960a). Some primary types of species belonging to the superfamily Globigerinaceae. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 11: 1-41. gs O Parker, W. K., Jones, T. R. & Brady, H. B. (1865). On the nomenclature of the foraminifera. X cont: The Species enumerated by d'Orbigny in the 'Annales des Sciences Naturelles', vol. 7, 1826 (The Species illustrated by Models. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 3(16): 15-41. gs OReferences:
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Rotalia menardii compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-2-2025
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