Catalog - Rugotruncana tilevi Catalog - Rugotruncana tilevi

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Rugotruncana tilevi Bronnimann&Brown 1956

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> R -> Rugotruncana -> Rugotruncana tilevi
Other pages this level: R. ellisi, R. nothi, R. skewesae, R. tilevi

Rugotruncana tilevi

Citation: Rugotruncana tilevi Bronnimann&Brown 1956
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: 628612
Type age (chronostrat): Maastrichtian
Type locality: The construction pit of the Gran Templo Nacional Masonico at the northwest corner of Paseo Carlos III and Calzada de Belascoain (Padre Varela), Habana, Cuba.
Type repository: Washington; USNM

Linked specimens: USNM-628612

Current identification/main database link: Rugotruncana circumnodifer (Finlay, 1940)

Original Description

The low trochospirally coiled test is covered with fine discontinuous costellae. Its small early chambers are inflated and globigerine-like. Later chambers are subglobular and slightly compressed. The last whorl is scalloped and composed of five or six chambers. All later chambers exhibit a weak double-keeled, imperforate, peripheral band. The two keels are faint and present in all later chambers. The fine discontinuous costellae give the surface a roughened appearance. The principal aperture is rounded, interiomarginal, and opens into a rather large umbilicus. Long apertural flaps extend into the umbilicus, and in later chambers form a protruded, imperforate, umbilical cover-plate with accessory apertures. Remarks. Rugotruncana tilevi most closely resembles Rugotruncana ellisi Bronnimann and Brown, but its keels and costellae are stronger, and its later chambers are slightly more compressed. This species is also similar to Globotruncana saratogaensis (Applin) [Globigerina cretacea dOrbigny var. saratogaensis, 1925], but the latter has no costellae. Bolli (1951, op. cit., pl. 35, fig. 18) has clearly figured the costellae on the ventral side of the last whorl of this species.

This species is named for Nuh Tilev in recognition of his work on Globotruncanas.

Extra details from original publication
Synoynym: 1951. Globotruncana cf. globigerinoides (not Brotzen), Bolli, J. Paleont., vol. 25, p. 198, pl. 35, figs. 16-18.

Remarks:  Rugotruncana tilevi, n. sp., most closely resembles R. ellisi, n. sp., but its keels and costellae are stronger, and its later chambers are slightly more compressed. This species is also similar to Globotruncana saratogaensis (Applin), but the latter has no costellae.
Bolli (1951, pl. 35, fig. 18) has clearly figured the costellae on the ventral side of the chambers of the last whorl of this species.

Range: Upper Maastrichtian.


Brönnimann, P. & Brown, N. K. (1956). Taxonomy of the Globotruncanidae. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 48: 503-562. gs O


Rugotruncana tilevi compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 13-2-2025

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