Catalog - S Catalog - S


This page provides data from the catalog of type descriptions. The catalog is sorted alphabetically. Use the current identification link to go back to the main database.

Higher levels: pf_cat -> S
Other pages this level: Higher taxa, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Z, hidden

Schackoina Thalmann, 1932
= Schackoina

Schackoinella Weinhandl 1958

Schackoinella sarmatica
Schackoinella tricamerata

Shastrina Singh&Kalia 1970

Shastrina sundara
Shastrina udbodhaka

Siderolina d'Orbigny 1826

Siderolina cenomana
Siderolina hamata
Siderolina kochi

Sigalia Reiss 1957
= Sigalia
Sigalia bejaouensis
Sigalia carpatica
Sigalia deflaensis rugocostata
Sigalia incipiens
Sigalia proliferans

Sigalitruncana Korchagin 1982
= Marginotruncana

Sphaeroidina d'Orbigny 1826

Sphaeroidina bulloides dehiscens
Sphaeroidina dehiscens immatura
Sphaeroidina gredalensis

Sphaeroidinella Cushman 1927
= Sphaeroidinella

Sphaeroidinellinae Banner & Blow 1959

Sphaeroidinellopsis Banner & Blow 1959
= Sphaeroidinellopsis
Sphaeroidinellopsis hancocki
Sphaeroidinellopsis nepenthes constricta
Sphaeroidinellopsis ovalis
Sphaeroidinellopsis quadrangularis
Sphaeroidinellopsis sphaeroides
Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens paenedehiscens

Spiroplecta Ehrenberg 1844
= Spiroplecta
Spiroplecta americana
Spiroplecta clarae

Steineckia Georgescu 2009

Steineckia steinecki

Streptochilus Bronniman & Resig 1971
= Streptochilus

Subbotina Brotzen&Pozaryska, 1961
= Subbotina


Citation: S
Taxonomic rank: na

Current identification:



S compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-2-2025

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