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CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Ticinella primula Luterbacher 1963

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> T -> Ticinella -> Ticinella primula
Other pages this level: T. albiana, T. aprica, T. austriaca, T. bejaouaensis transitoria, T. caronae, T. floresae, T. madecassiana, T. moulladei, T. petalloidea, T. praeticinensis, T. primula, T. raynaudi, T. raynaudi aperta, T. raynaudi digitalis, T. raynaudi raynaudi, T. roberti bejaouaensis, T. roberti eubejaouaensis, T. subbreggiensis, T. vorarlbergensis

Ticinella primula

Citation: Ticinella primula Luterbacher 1963
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: 20533
Type age (chronostrat): Albian
Type locality: Holotype from a depth of 61 meters in the Le Maley well, west of Cornaux, Neuchatel Canton, western Switzerland. Found also in Waadt, Switzerland; as well as at Breggia, Ticino Canton, sputhern Switzerland; and at Gubbio, Perugia Province, central Italy
Type repository: Basel, CH; Natural History Museum

Current identification/main database link: Ticinella primula Luterbacher, in Renz et al., 1963

Original Description

Test low trochospiral, built of about 16 nearly spherical chambers arranged in 2.5 to 3 whorls. Umbilicus is wide. Six to eight chambers in the last whorl, which enlarge relatively slowly and gradually in size. Sutures are radial and depressed on spiral and umbilical sides. Test surface slightly rugose. Cardinal aperture relatively large, in umbilical-extraumbilical position, and with strongly developed lip, which extends as a lobe into the umbilicus, covering a large part of it. Secondary apertures of the older chambers umbilical, in the last two or three sutural; they too possess more or less strongly developed lips, which may extend into the umbilicus.


Renz, O., Luterbacher, H. & Schneider, A. (1963). Stratigraphisch-palaontologische Untersuchungen im Albien und Cenomanien des Neuenburger Jura. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 56(2): 1073-1116. gs O


Ticinella primula compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 18-1-2025

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