Catalog - Velapertina iorgulescui Catalog - Velapertina iorgulescui

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Velapertina iorgulescui Popescu 1969

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> V -> Velapertina -> Velapertina iorgulescui
Other pages this level: V. cingulata, V. iorgulescui, V. luczkowskae, V. sphaerica

Velapertina iorgulescui

Citation: Velapertina iorgulescui Popescu 1969
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: pl. 2, figs. 5. 6, X 100: holotype (fig. 5a-c), no. 9144.
Type sample (& lithostrat): "Spiralis marls horizon"
Type age (chronostrat): Velapertina Zone of the Late Badenian = Early Serravalian, Middle Miocene [NB At the time of the original description the Badenian was correlated with Tortonian but this has since been corrected, Filipescu 2022 via comments on this site.]
Type locality: Piatra. Bistrita-Nasaud district, South-central Romania. Also found in the upper Tortonian of northern Transylvanian.
Type repository: Bucharest; Paleontological Laboratory of the University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania;

Current identification:

Original Description

Test free, trochospiral: globular chambers increasing gradually in size: radial deep sutures: calcareous, perforated wall, radial in structure with pitted surface; on the spiral side 10-12 chambers arranged in 2 ½ whorls; last whorl consists of 4 chambers; umbilical side covered by an apertural bulla which overlays the primary interiomarginal umbilical aperture; numerous supplementary apertures on the spiral sutures; there are also many infralaminal apertures on the apertural bulla suture.

Largest diameter = 0.38 mm.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks. Velaperrtina iorgulescui resembles V. indigena , [Globigerinoides indigena(Luczkowska) 1955] but differs from it in size as well as in the shape of the apertural bulla which is smaller and more ovoid in V. iorgulescui species."


Popescu, G. (1969). Some new Globigerina (Foraminifera) from the upper Tortonian of the Transylvanian Basin and the Subcarpathians. Revue Roumaine de Géologie Géophysique et Géographie. 13: 103-106. gs


Velapertina iorgulescui compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 16-2-2025

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Comments (2)


The age given at the time of the publication considered a wrong correlation between the Mediterranean and Paratethyan stages. At that time the Badenian (where from the material comes) was correlated with the Tortonian, but later on it was correlated with the Langhian and early Serravallian). The material comes from the Velapertina Zone of the late Badenian, which means the correct age for the species is early Serravallian.


Dear Prof Filipescu

Thank you for commenting on this and I have now corrected the text.

best wishes

Jeremy Young