Catalog - Velapertina sphaerica Catalog - Velapertina sphaerica

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Velapertina sphaerica Popescu 1987

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> V -> Velapertina -> Velapertina sphaerica
Other pages this level: V. cingulata, V. iorgulescui, V. luczkowskae, V. sphaerica

Velapertina sphaerica

Citation: Velapertina sphaerica Popescu 1987
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: Pl. V, figs 11-12

Current identification:

Original Description

Test similar to V. lutkowskae but sphaerical with circular openings arranged in 2-3 rings.

Extra details from original publication
Range: This species was recorded only in the uppermost Valapertina Zone (Kossovian): this seems to be the last representative of the genus in the Paratethyan area; it is well known that in Paratethys after the Kosovian stage the marine facies is abruptly replaced by the brackish facies (Sarmatian stage) in which no marine fauna or flora survives.

Our specimens arc closely related to the specimen figured by Kennett & Srinivasan (1983, p. 86, Pl. 20, Fig. 1) as Orbulina suturalis from D.S.D.P., site 208, 18 cc (Globorotalia mayeri Zone), which roughly corresponds to the same stratigraphical level (NF2)


Popescu, G. (1987). Marine Middle Miocene microbiostratigraphical correlation in Central Paratethys. Dari de Seama ale Sedintelor Institutul de Geologie si Geofizica. 72(3): 149-167. gs

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Velapertina sphaerica compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 16-2-2025

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