Catalog - Ventilabrella carseyae Catalog - Ventilabrella carseyae

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Ventilabrella carseyae Plummer 1931

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> V -> Ventilabrella -> Ventilabrella carseyae
Other pages this level: V. alpina, V. austinana, V. bipartita, V. browni, V. carseyae, V. compressa, V. decoratissima, V. eggeri, V. eggeri glabrata, V. manuelensis, V. multicamerata, V. ornatissima, V. reniformis, V. riograndensis

Ventilabrella carseyae

Citation: Ventilabrella carseyae Plummer 1931
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: S-819.2
Type sample (& lithostrat): uppermost Navarro forĀ­mation
Type age (chronostrat): Late Cretaceous
Type locality: Station 165-T-4, in bank of Walker Creek 6 miles north, 15 degrees east of Cameron, about 1 mile upstream from the intersection of Walker Creek and the Cameron-Clarkson road, Milan County, TX.
Type repository: Ithaca, NY; Paleontologic Res inst, Plummer Collection

Current identification/main database link: Planoglobulina carseyae (Plummer, 1931)

Original Description

Test V-shaped, laterally somewhat compressed, composed throughout much of its development of appressed, well-in­ flated, distinctly striate biserial chambers that increase rapidly in size with growth, later chambers arranged ir­ regularly in the plane of biseriality forming a fully mature test that is somewhat fan-shaped in peripheral outline; sutures deeply incised; aperture a broad lunate opening at base of septal face of biserial portion of test and a similar opening on each side of many of the later chambers.

Length of holotype .48 mm. ; breadth .40 mm. ; thickness .25mm.

Extra details from original publication
All the microspheric tests observed are biserial through­ out, this biserial development being larger than only the biserial series of chambers of most megalospheric tests. The specimen figured shows the early small but very dis­ tinct coil of about five chambers. The last chamber bears a supplementary aperture on its periphery, but no test clearly referable to the microspheric generation shows further development of the irregular late chambers char­ acteristic of the megalospheric form. This late stage in V. carseyae n. sp. consists of but very few chambers across the top of the biserial series. An abundant accompanying congener at the type locality for this species is more coarse­ly striate, has fewer biserial chambers, and numerous later irregularly arranged chambers.
The specimen "Textularia globulosa Ehrenberg" in the Carsey Collection is refigured for comparison with Venti­labrella carseyae n. sp. This specimen is completely min­eralized and the aperture is obscured by mineral deposit. Though the test is somewhat deformed, it exhibits the shape and ornamentation of this new species.
V. carseyae n. sp. is very common in the Navarro forma­tion and occurs also in the Taylor.


Plummer, H. J. (1931b). Some Cretaceous foraminifera in Texas. University of Texas Bulletin. 3101: 109-203. gs


Ventilabrella carseyae compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 18-2-2025

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