Catalog - Ventilabrella manuelensis Catalog - Ventilabrella manuelensis

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Ventilabrella manuelensis Martin 1972

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> V -> Ventilabrella -> Ventilabrella manuelensis
Other pages this level: V. alpina, V. austinana, V. bipartita, V. browni, V. carseyae, V. compressa, V. decoratissima, V. eggeri, V. eggeri glabrata, V. manuelensis, V. multicamerata, V. ornatissima, V. reniformis, V. riograndensis

Ventilabrella manuelensis

Citation: Ventilabrella manuelensis Martin 1972
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : 86-87
Type specimens: pl2 f5-8170320
Type sample (& lithostrat): Mendez Shale, MX 13 of Pessagno 1976
Type age (chronostrat): Maastrichtian
Type locality: From near a bridge on the south side of Gonzales along the Tampico-Cuidad Mante Highway at kilometer port K59.06, Mexico.
Type repository: Washington; USNM

Linked specimens: USNM-170323 USNM-170322 USNM-170321 USNM-170320 USNM-560327

Current identification/main database link: Planoglobulina manuelensis (Martin, 1972)

Original Description

Test flabelliform to subcircular, compressed. Six chambers in diminished biserial portion, after which test abruptly flares out, having 35 chambers in multiserial portion. Early chambers in multiserial portion globular, with heavy vermicular ornamentation; later chambers globular to subglobular; fine, closely spaced, longitudinal costae on final series of chambers; 2 chambers in later portion of test sometimes merging to form single, crescent shaped chamber. Sutures depressed, slightly obscured by vermicular ornamentation. Arched, basal aperture on front and back of all but outermost chambers in final row.

Holotype measures 675 µm in length, 650 µm in width, and 15O µm in maximum thickness. Other specimens vary from 525 µm to 675 µm in length; 550 to 675 µ in width; and 15O to 175 µ in maximum thickness.

V. manuelensis is named for the town of Manuel in northeastern Mexico, which is situated near the type locality for the species in the Gonzales-Aldama area.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks: V . manuelensis n. sp., differs from V . multicamerata de Klasz in its abruptly flaring, sub circular test and smaller number of chambers in the multiserial portion. V . manuelensis differs from other species of Ventilabrella in its abruptly flaring, sub-circular test, diminished biserial portion, larger number of chambers, and heavy vermicular ornamentation.  

Range: G . fornicata-stuartiformis Assemblage Zone, G. elevata Subzone (G. calcarata Zonule) to R. subcircumnodifer Subzone (R. subpennyi Zonule) possibly higher.

Occurrence: In Mexico, V. manuelensis is abundant in the late Campanian and early Maestrichtian portions of the Mendez Shale (MX 13, MX 15 of Pessagno, see appendix).
V. manuelensis occurs in late Campanian sediments of the Blake Bahama Basin, Joides Leg 1 (1/4A/1/2, see appendix); in late Campanian sediments of the Rio Grande Rise, Joides Leg 111 (3/21/5/5, see appendix); and in late Campanian and early Maestrichtian sediments of Orphan Knoll, Joides Leg XII (12/11IA/11/6 to 1211IlAIll/5, see appendix).
V. manuelensis
was found in one late Maestrichtian sample from the Mendez Shale ( M X 80 of Pessagno, see appendix), and in late Maestrichtian samples from Joides Leg XI1 (12/111A/11/1, see appendix), both of which contain reworked late Campanian and early Maestrichtian species.


Martin, S. E. (1972). Reexamination of the Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera genera Planoglobulina and Ventilabrella Cushman. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 2(2): 73-92. gs

Missing or ambiguous references: Pessagno 1976;


Ventilabrella manuelensis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 16-2-2025

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