Catalog entries: Candeina antarctica
Type images:
Geographic distribution
Most likely ancestor: Antarcticella zeocenica - at confidence level 3 (out of 5). Data source: Leckie & Webb 1985.
Geological Range:
Notes: Antarcticella antarctica has been reported from shallow marine sed-iments in the Ross Sea basins of Antarctica, ranging from the latest Oligocene through middle Miocene (Leckie and Webb, 1985). It was also reported from southern Argentina in upper Eocene-lower Oligocene (Hromic, 1988, 1990) and offshore Argentina in Oligocene-lower Miocene neritic sediments (Malumian and Nanez, 1996).
Last occurrence (top): within Middle Miocene Sub-Epoch (11.62-15.97Ma, top in Serravallian stage). Data source: Liu et al 1998
First occurrence (base): within Late Eocene Sub-Epoch (33.89-37.75Ma, base in Priabonian stage). Data source: Liu et al 1998
Plot of occurrence data:
Hromic, T. (1988). Presencia de Antarcticella (Candeina) antarctica (Leckie y Webb), (Protozoa, Foraminiferida, Candeinidae) en la cuenca Austral de America del Sur. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia. 18: 87-95. gs Hromic, T. (1990). Lista preliminar de foraminıferos planktonicos terciarios de la porcion chilena de cuenca Austral. In, Anon (ed.) Segundo Simposio Sobre el Terciario de Chile, Concepcion, 1990. 117-133. gs Huber, B. T., Petrizzo, M. R. & MacLeod, K. G. (2020). Planktonic Foraminiferal Endemism at Southern High Latitudes Following the Terminal Cretaceous Extinction. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 50(4): 382-402. gs Leckie, R. M. & Webb, P. (1985). Candeina antarctica, n. sp. and the phylogenetic history and distribution of Candeina spp. In the Paleogene-Early Neogene of the Southern Ocean. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 15(2): 65-78. gs Liu, C., Olsson, R. K. & Huber, B. T. (1998). A benthic paleohabitat for Praepararotalia gen. nov. and Antarcticella Loeblich and Tappan. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 28(1): 3-18. gs Missing or ambiguous references: Malumian & Nanez 1996; References:
Antarcticella antartica compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 10-9-2024
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