pforams@mikrotax - Morozovella gracilis pforams@mikrotax - Morozovella gracilis

Morozovella gracilis

Classification: pf_cenozoic -> Truncorotaloididae -> Morozovella -> Morozovella gracilis
Sister taxa: M. caucasica, M. crater, M. aragonensis, M. lensiformis ⟩⟨ M. marginodentata, M. formosa, M. gracilis, M. subbotinae, M. aequa, M. apanthesma ⟩⟨ M. edgari, M. allisonensis, M. acuta, M. occlusa, M. acutispira, M. pasionensis, M. velascoensis, M. conicotruncata, M. angulata, M. praeangulata, M. sp.


Citation: Morozovella gracilis (Bolli 1957)
taxonomic rank: Species
Basionym: Globorotalia formosa gracilis
Taxonomic discussion: Morozovella gracilis occupies a morphologic/phylogenetic position intermediate between M. subbotinae and M .formosa(see also Pearson,1993).It differs from the former in the increased number of chambers (5-6) in the final whorl, which is associated with a looser (more evolute) coiling mode, and in the elevated spiral intercameral sutures. Morozovella formosa is characterized by a further increase in size and number of chambers (6-8) in the last whorl and concomitant increase in the width of the umbilicus. Like most other morozovellids, particularly those morphotypes closely associated with the aequa -subbotinae -gracilis -marginodentata -formosa plexus, it has a complicated taxonomic history, which is discussed in Berggren (1977) and Blow (1979). Globorotalia bolli El-Naggar (1966), it appears, includes morphotypes of this plexas. We regard his pl. 22: fig. 6a-d as a morphotype of M. gracilis, in contrast to the holotype (pl. 22: fig. 5a-d), which is a morphotype of M. subbotinae. [Olsson et al. 1999]

Catalog entries: Globorotalia formosa gracilis, Globorotalia bollii

Type images:

Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Morozovella): Test typically plano-convex, chambers strongly anguloconical.
Wall strongly pustulose (muricate) on parts of spire and umbilicus. Most species with muricocarina.

This taxon: Like M. subbotinae but with lower spire and more chambers (5-6).

NB These concise distinguishing features statements are used in the tables of daughter-taxa to act as quick summaries of the differences between e.g. species of one genus.
They are being edited as the site is developed and comments on them are especially welcome.


Character matrix
test outline:Lobatechamber arrangement:Trochospiraledge view:Planoconvexaperture:Umbilical-extraumbilical
sp chamber shape:Petaloidcoiling axis:Very lowperiphery:Single keelaperture border:N/A
umb chbr shape:Subtriangularumbilicus:Narrowperiph margin shape:Subangularaccessory apertures:None
spiral sutures:Raised muricateumb depth:Deepwall texture:Moderately pustuloseshell porosity:Finely Perforate: 1-2.5µm
umbilical or test sutures:Strongly depressedfinal-whorl chambers:5-6 N.B. These characters are used for advanced search. N/A - not applicable

Biogeography and Palaeobiology

Geographic distribution

This is a geographically widespread morphospecies recorded from (predominantly) (sub)tropical biogeographies. It occurs as far south as nearly 60° at ODP Sites 738 (Huber, 1991b) and 747 (Berggren, 1992) on the Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean, as part of the earliest Eocene extra-tropical excursion of morozovellids. [Olsson et al. 1999]
Aze et al. 2011 summary: Cosmopolitan; based on Olsson et al. (1999)

Isotope paleobiology
No data available. [Olsson et al. 1999]
Aze et al. 2011 ecogroup 1 - Open ocean mixed-layer tropical/subtropical, with symbionts; based on comparison with other species of the genus.

Phylogenetic relations
This species evolved from M. subbotinae through a reduction in spire height and an increase in the number of chambers. [Olsson et al. 1999]

Most likely ancestor: Morozovella subbotinae - at confidence level 4 (out of 5). Data source: Berggren & Pearson (2006) f11.1; Olsson et al. 1999.
Likely descendants: Morozovella formosa; plot with descendants

Biostratigraphic distribution

Geological Range:
Notes: Zone P5 to Zone P6b. [Olsson et al. 1999]
Last occurrence (top): at top of E5 zone (100% up, 50.7Ma, in Ypresian stage). Data source: Olsson et al. (1999) f5a
First occurrence (base): in upper part of E2 zone (60% up, 55.4Ma, in Ypresian stage). Data source: Olsson et al. (1999) f5a

Plot of occurrence data:

Primary source for this page: Olsson et al. 1999 - Atlas of Paleocene Planktonic Foraminifera, p. 61


Berggren, W. A. & Pearson, P. N. (2006a). Taxonomy, biostratigraphy, and phylogeny of Eocene Morozovella. In, Pearson, P. N., Olsson, R. K., Hemleben, C., Huber, B. T. & Berggren, W. A. (eds) Atlas of Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication . 41(Chap 11): 343-376. gs O

Berggren, W. A. (1971c). Paleogene planktonic foraminiferal faunas on Legs I-IV (Atlantic Ocean) JOIDES Deep Sea Drilling Program: a synthesis. In, Farinacci, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the Second Planktonic Conference, Roma 1970. Edizioni Tecnoscienza, Rome 57-77. gs

Berggren, W. A. (1977a). Atlas of Palaeogene Planktonic Foraminifera: some Species of the Genera Subbotina, Planorotalites, Morozovella, Acarinina and Truncorotaloides. In, Ramsay, A. T. S. (ed.) Oceanic Micropaleontology. Academic Press, London 205-300. gs

Blow, W. H. (1979). The Cainozoic Globigerinida: A study of the morphology, taxonomy, evolutionary relationships and stratigraphical distribution of some Globigerinida (mainly Globigerinacea). E. J. Brill, Leiden. 2: 1-1413. gs

Bolli, H. M. (1957a). Planktonic foraminifera from the Eocene Navet and San Fernando formations of Trinidad. In, Loeblich, A. R. , Jr., Tappan, H., Beckmann, J. P., Bolli, H. M., Montanaro Gallitelli, E. & Troelsen, J. C. (eds) Studies in Foraminifera. U.S. National Museum Bulletin . 215: 155-172. gs

Bolli, H. M. (1957d). The genera Globigerina and Globorotalia in the Paleocene-Lower Eocene Lizard Springs Formation of Trinidad. In, Loeblich, A. R. , Jr., Tappan, H., Beckmann, J. P., Bolli, H. M., Montanaro Gallitelli, E. & Troelsen, J. C. (eds) Studies in Foraminifera. U.S. National Museum Bulletin . 215: 61-82. gs

Huber, B. T. (1991c). Paleogene and Early Neogene Planktonic Foraminifer Biostratigraphy of Sites 738 and 744, Kerguelen Plateau (Southern Indian Ocean). Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results. 119: 427-449. gs

Jenkins, D. G. (1971). New Zealand Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminifera. New Zealand Geological Survey, Paleontological Bulletin. 42: 1-278. gs

Luterbacher, H. P. (1964). Studies in some Globorotalia from the Paleocene and Lower Eocene of the Central Apennines. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 57: 631-730. gs O

Luterbacher, H. P. (1975a). Paleocene and Early Eocene planktonic foraminifera Leg 32, Deep Sea Drilling Project. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 32: 725-728. gs

Olsson, R. K., Hemleben, C., Berggren, W. A. & Huber, B. T. (1999). Atlas of Paleocene Planktonic Foraminifera. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. (85): 1-252. gs

Pearson, P. N. (1993). A lineage phylogeny for the Paleogene planktonic foraminifera. Micropaleontology. 39: 193-232. gs

Postuma, J. A. (1971). Manual of planktonic foraminifera. Elsevier for Shell Group, The Hague. 1-406. gs

Shutskaya, E. K. (1970b). Stratigrafiya, foraminifery i paleogeografiya nizhnego paleogena Kryma, predkavkaz'ya i zapadnoi chadsti srednei azii [Stratigraphy, Foraminifera and Paleogeography of the Lower Paleogene in the Crimea, Precaucasus and the Western Part of Central Asia]. Trudy Vsesoyuznego Neftyanogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologo-Razvedochnogo Instituta (VNIGRI). 70(1): 256-. gs

Snyder, S. W. & Waters, V. J. (1985). Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Goban Spur Region, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 80: 439-472. gs

Toumarkine, M. & Luterbacher, H. (1985). Paleocene and Eocene planktic foraminifera. In, Bolli, H. M., Saunders, J. B. & Perch-Neilsen, K. (eds) Plankton Stratigraphy. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge 87-154. gs


Morozovella gracilis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 13-10-2024

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