Globigerina subcorpulenta Khalilov, which was regarded by Blow (1979) as a junior synonym of Globorotalia centralis Cushman and Bermúdez, has been viewed by W. A. Berggren (pers. comm.) as part of this study. Although poorly preserved, it is a potential senior synonym of pomeroli. Similarly, Globorotalia inflata Hussey is a poorly understood species that was dismissed by Blow (1979) as a secondary subjective homonym of Globigerina inflata (d’Orbigny) (both of which he placed in Globorotalia). This would not be the case if Hussey’s taxon was found to be a Turborotalia, as seems likely from examination under light microscope (P. N. Pearson, observed 1997), in which case it might also be regarded as another senior synonym of pomeroli. Globorotalia pseudomayeri Bolli, 1957c is another species that may be a prior synonym. Blow (1979) recognized its turborotalid affinities. A questionable further prior synonym that we have not studied is Globorotalia kiewensis Morozova. However, as all four taxa have rarely been noticed, we recommend retaining pomeroli for stability of nomenclature. [Pearson et al. 2006]
Catalog entries: Globorotalia cerroazulensis pomeroli, Globigerina subcorpulenta, Globorotalia inflata, Globorotalia pseudomayeri
Type images:Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Turborotalia): Trochospiral with umbilical-extraumbilical aperture.
Wall smooth pustulose, can be weakly cancellate, & may defoliate.
This taxon: Like T. frontosa but larger, with more compressed chamber morphology, and at least 4 chambers in the final whorl.
Wall type:
Character matrix
test outline: | Lobate | chamber arrangement: | Trochospiral | edge view: | Inequally biconvex | aperture: | Umbilical-extraumbilical |
sp chamber shape: | Globular | coiling axis: | Moderate-high | periphery: | N/A | aperture border: | Thin lip |
umb chbr shape: | Globular | umbilicus: | Narrow | periph margin shape: | Broadly rounded | accessory apertures: | None |
spiral sutures: | Moderately depressed | umb depth: | Deep | wall texture: | Smooth | shell porosity: | Finely Perforate: 1-2.5µm |
umbilical or test sutures: | Moderately depressed | final-whorl chambers: | 4-5 | N.B. These characters are used for advanced search. N/A - not applicable |
Geographic distribution
Aze et al. 2011 summary: Cosmopolitan; based on Pearson et al. (2006)
Isotope paleobiology
Aze et al. 2011 ecogroup 2 - Open ocean mixed-layer tropical/subtropical, without symbionts. Based on _13C lighter than species with symbionts; also with relatively light _18O. Sources cited by Aze et al. 2011 (appendix S3): Boersma et al. (1987); Pearson et al. (2001a)
Phylogenetic relations
Most likely ancestor: Turborotalia frontosa - at confidence level 4 (out of 5). Data source: Pearson et al. (2006), fig 15.1.
Likely descendants: Turborotalia altispiroides; Turborotalia ampliapertura; Turborotalia cerroazulensis; Turborotalia increbescens;
plot with descendants
Geological Range:
Notes: Middle Eocene, upper Zone E11 to within Zone E15 (Toumarkine and Bolli, 1970). [Pearson et al. 2006]
Last occurrence (top): in upper part of E15 zone (70% up, 35Ma, in Priabonian stage). Data source: Pearson et al. (2006), fig. 15.1
First occurrence (base): in lower part of E10 zone (40% up, 42.7Ma, in Lutetian stage). Data source: Pearson et al. (2006), fig. 15.1
Plot of occurrence data:
Primary source for this page: Pearson et al. 2006 - Eocene Atlas, chap. 15, p. 454
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Turborotalia pomeroli compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 6-2-2025
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