pforams@mikrotax - Morozovella angulata pforams@mikrotax - Morozovella angulata

Morozovella angulata

Classification: pf_cenozoic -> Truncorotaloididae -> Morozovella -> Morozovella angulata
Sister taxa: M. caucasica, M. crater, M. aragonensis, M. lensiformis ⟩⟨ M. marginodentata, M. formosa, M. gracilis, M. subbotinae, M. aequa, M. apanthesma ⟩⟨ M. edgari, M. allisonensis, M. acuta, M. occlusa, M. acutispira, M. pasionensis, M. velascoensis, M. conicotruncata, M. angulata, M. praeangulata, M. sp.


Citation: Morozovella angulata (White 1928)
taxonomic rank: Species
Basionym: Globigerina angulata
Taxonomic discussion: Blow (1979:984) drew a distinction between peripherally muricocarinate (angulata) and (putatively ancestral) non-carinate (praeangulata) morphotypes of the early angulata lineage. Following Blow (1979) in this distinction, we maintain both morphotaxa in the genus Morozovella (contra Pearson, 1993).
Considerable confusion and misidentification has surrounded this taxon, not the least because of the long (about 50 year) sequestration of the White collection at Columbia University, which ended with its rediscovery by T Saito and its subsequent transfer to the American Museum of Natural History in the early 1980s. We have followed Blow (1979) in adopting the concept of angulata sensu Bolli (1957a) in identifying this form. We regard Morozovella protocarina Corfield (1989) as falling within this concept of M. angulata. Our studies, however, support the range of M. angulata given by Bolli (1957a) (Zone P3 to middle part of Zone P4) rather than that of Blow (1979) (Zone P3 to basal Zone P5). [Olsson et al. 1999]

Catalog entries: Globigerina angulata, Morozovella protocarina

Type images:

Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Morozovella): Test typically plano-convex, chambers strongly anguloconical.
Wall strongly pustulose (muricate) on parts of spire and umbilicus. Most species with muricocarina.

This taxon: Like Mpraeangulata but with elaboration of the muricae, development of a peripheral muricocarina, and establishment of anguloconical chambers throughout the last whorl.

NB These concise distinguishing features statements are used in the tables of daughter-taxa to act as quick summaries of the differences between e.g. species of one genus.
They are being edited as the site is developed and comments on them are especially welcome.


Character matrix
test outline:Subcircularchamber arrangement:Trochospiraledge view:Planoconvexaperture:Umbilical-extraumbilical
sp chamber shape:Crescenticcoiling axis:Highperiphery:Muricocarinateaperture border:Thin lip
umb chbr shape:Subtriangularumbilicus:Narrowperiph margin shape:Subangularaccessory apertures:None
spiral sutures:Raised muricateumb depth:Deepwall texture:Moderately pustuloseshell porosity:Finely Perforate: 1-2.5µm
umbilical or test sutures:Strongly depressedfinal-whorl chambers:4-5 N.B. These characters are used for advanced search. N/A - not applicable

Biogeography and Palaeobiology

Geographic distribution

This form is essentially restricted to (sub)tropical to temperate regions (circumscribed by 50°N and S latitudes); it has not been reliably reported from high northern or southern (subantarctic) regions (Figure 23). [Olsson et al. 1999]
Aze et al. 2011 summary: Low to middle latitudes; based on Olsson et al. (1999)

Isotope paleobiology
Morozovella angulata has more negative δ18O and more positive δ13C than Parasubbotina and Subbotina (Douglas and Savin, 1978; Boersma and Premoli Silva, 1983; Shackleton et al., 1985). The species displays a distinct trend toward increased δ13C with increased test size and little or no trend in δ18O with size (Shackleton et al., 1985). [Olsson et al. 1999]
Aze et al. 2011 ecogroup 1 - Open ocean mixed-layer tropical/subtropical, with symbionts. Based on very heavy _13C and relatively light _18O. Sources cited by Aze et al. 2011 (appendix S3): Douglas & Savin (1978); Boersma & Premoli Silva (1983); Shackleton et al. (1985)

Phylogenetic relations
This species evolved from Morozovella praeangulata (Blow) at or near the Zone P2/3 transition by elaboration of the muricae, development of a peripheral muricocarina, and establishment of anguloconical chambers throughout the last whorl. [Olsson et al. 1999]

Most likely ancestor: Morozovella praeangulata - at confidence level 4 (out of 5). Data source: Olsson et al. (1999) f5a.
Likely descendants: Morozovella apanthesma; Morozovella conicotruncata; plot with descendants

Biostratigraphic distribution

Geological Range:
Notes: Zone P3 to lower Zone P4. [Olsson et al. 1999]
The FAD of Morozovella angulata marks the base of zone P3a / top of P2 (Wade et al. 2011)
Last occurrence (top): within P4a subzone (60.52-60.73Ma, top in Selandian stage). Data source: Olsson et al. (1999) f5a
First occurrence (base): at base of P3 zone (0% up, 62.3Ma, in Danian stage). Data source: zonal marker (Wade et al. 2011)

Plot of occurrence data:

Primary source for this page: Olsson et al. 1999 - Atlas of Paleocene Planktonic Foraminifera, p. 58


Blow, W. H. (1979). The Cainozoic Globigerinida: A study of the morphology, taxonomy, evolutionary relationships and stratigraphical distribution of some Globigerinida (mainly Globigerinacea). E. J. Brill, Leiden. 2: 1-1413. gs

Bolli, H. M. & Cita, M. B. (1960). Globigerine e Globorotalie del Paleocene di Paderno d'Adda (Italia). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia. LXVI(3): 1-42. gs

Bolli, H. M. (1957d). The genera Globigerina and Globorotalia in the Paleocene-Lower Eocene Lizard Springs Formation of Trinidad. In, Loeblich, A. R. , Jr., Tappan, H., Beckmann, J. P., Bolli, H. M., Montanaro Gallitelli, E. & Troelsen, J. C. (eds) Studies in Foraminifera. U.S. National Museum Bulletin . 215: 61-82. gs

Bykova, N. K. (1953). Фораминиферы сузакского яруса Таджикской депрессии [Foraminifera of the Suzakian Stage of the Tajik depression]. In, unknown (ed.) Microfauna of the USSR, 6. Trudy Vsesoyuznego Neftyanogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologo-Razvedochnogo Instituta (VNIGRI) . 69: 3-114. gs

Corfield, R. M. (1989). Morozovella protocarina: a new species of Palaeocene planktonic Foraminiferida. Journal of Micropalaeontology. 8: 97-102. gs

Glaessner, M. F. (1937b). Studien über foraminiferen aus der kreide und dem Tertiär des Kaukasus. I. Die foraminiferen der ältesten Tertiärschichten des Nordwest-Kaukasus. Problemy Paleontologii, Paleontologicheskay Laboratoriya Moskovskogo Universiteta. 2-3: 349-410. gs

Hillebrandt, A. , von (1962). Das Paleozän und seine Foraminiferenfauna im Becken von Reichenhall und Salzburg. Abhandlungen Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 108: 1-182. gs

McGowran, B. J. (1968). Reclassification of Early Tertiary Globorotalia. Micropaleontology. 14: 179-198. gs

Olsson, R. K. (1960). Foraminifera of late Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary age in the New Jersey Coastal Plain. Journal of Paleontology. 34(1): 1-58. gs

Olsson, R. K., Hemleben, C., Berggren, W. A. & Huber, B. T. (1999). Atlas of Paleocene Planktonic Foraminifera. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. (85): 1-252. gs

Postuma, J. A. (1971). Manual of planktonic foraminifera. Elsevier for Shell Group, The Hague. 1-406. gs

Shutskaya, E. K. (1956). Стратиграфия нижних горизонтов палеогена Центрального Предкавказья по фораминиферам - Stratigraphy of the lower horizons of the Paleogene of the central Precaucasus according to the foraminifera. Maden Tetkik ve Arcana Enstitusu Yayinharindam (Mining Research and Exploration, Institute of Turkey Publ.).. 71(164): 3-119. gs

Toumarkine, M. & Luterbacher, H. (1985). Paleocene and Eocene planktic foraminifera. In, Bolli, H. M., Saunders, J. B. & Perch-Neilsen, K. (eds) Plankton Stratigraphy. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge 87-154. gs

Wade, B. S., Pearson, P. N., Berggren, W. A. & Pälike, H. (2011). Review and revision of Cenozoic tropical planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and calibration to the geomagnetic polarity and astronomical time scale. Earth-Science Reviews. 104: 111-142. gs

White, M. P. (1928). Some Index Foraminifera of the Tampico Embayment Area of Mexico. Journal of Paleontology. 2(3): 177-215. gs


Morozovella angulata compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-10-2024

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Comments (2)


Hiya, the range of this is confusing. Olsson et al 1999 say it's LO is within P4c, yet the range stated here say it goes to the top of P4?

Jeremy Young(UK)

thanks Sarah, you are quite right, that was a data entry mistake of mine. I have corrected it now.
