An enigmatic case of taxonomic affinities is provided by Globorotalia nartanensis Shutskaya, 1956. The (relatively poor) illustration of the holotype is balanced by a clear and thorough description of the taxon. The low, biconvex test, thick, blunt “spines” (=muricae) on the test surface which give the test the appearance of having a thick, “granular” test wall and the transitional characters to M. aragonensis noted by Shutskaya (1956) make it quite clear that this taxon, in its original concept, is a junior synonym of Globorotalia lensiformis Subbotina, 1953. However, Shutskaya (1972b) subsequently illustrated two morphotypes identified as G. nartanensis from the G. subbotinae Zone of the south west Crimea which are virtually identical with Subbotina’s (1953, pl. 17, figs. 13a-c) illustrations of a peripherally compressed test with development of a frilled (“marginodentate”) keel which she considered transitional between Globorotalia crassata ( =G. aequa/ subbotinae) and G. marginodentata.
Blow (1979, p. 1018-1026) has drawn attention to the close similarities between M. subbotinae (Morozova), M. marginodentata (Subbotina) and M. gracilis (Bolli). In fact he considered gracilis separated from subbotinae at the subspecies level based on the increase in chamber number (from 4½ in subbotinae to 5½-6 in gracilis), associated with the development of a
somewhat more evolute coiling-mode and more vorticiform spiral intercameral sutures in gracilis and, finally, the slightly different (shorter) stratigraphic range of gracilis. The development of a strongly dentate (fimbriate) muricocarina (marginodentata) on some morphotypes was considered little more than ecophenotypic variation within the subbotinae plexus of morphotypes, indicative of high productivity, and marginodentata was, accordingly, considered only a variant of subbotinae (cf. Berggren, 1971, who had suggested earlier that marginodentata might be synonymous with, or an ecophenotypic variant of, gracilis). [Berggren & Pearson 2006]
Catalog entries: Globorotalia subbotinae, Globorotalia bollii, Globorotalia rex
Type images:Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Morozovella): Test typically plano-convex, chambers strongly anguloconical.
Wall strongly pustulose (muricate) on parts of spire and umbilicus. Most species with muricocarina.
This taxon: Like M. aequa but larger, with sronger muricocarina and more pronounced angulo-conical test; 4-4½ chambers in final whorl.
Wall type:
Character matrix
test outline: | Lobate | chamber arrangement: | Trochospiral | edge view: | Planoconvex | aperture: | Umbilical-extraumbilical |
sp chamber shape: | Petaloid | coiling axis: | Moderate | periphery: | Single keel | aperture border: | Thin lip |
umb chbr shape: | Inflated | umbilicus: | Narrow | periph margin shape: | Subangular | accessory apertures: | None |
spiral sutures: | Weakly depressed | umb depth: | Deep | wall texture: | Moderately muricate | shell porosity: | Finely Perforate: 1-2.5µm |
umbilical or test sutures: | Moderately depressed | final-whorl chambers: | 4-4.5 | N.B. These characters are used for advanced search. N/A - not applicable |
Geographic distribution
Aze et al. 2011 summary: Low to middle latitudes; based on Olsson et al. (1999)
Isotope paleobiology
Aze et al. 2011 ecogroup 1 - Open ocean mixed-layer tropical/subtropical, with symbionts. Based on very heavy δ13C and relatively light δ18O. Sources cited by Aze et al. 2011 (appendix S3): D'Hondt et al. (1994)
Phylogenetic relations
Most likely ancestor: Morozovella aequa - at confidence level 4 (out of 5). Data source: Berggren & Pearson (2006) f11.1.
Likely descendants: Morozovella gracilis; Morozovella lensiformis; Morozovella marginodentata;
plot with descendants
Geological Range:
Notes: Zone P5 to Zone E5. We have found that M. subbotinae has its FAD at the top of Chron C25n at ODP Site 577 and has a short overlap in the upper part of its range with Morozovella aragonensis. Its LAD is used to denote the boundary between Zones E5 and E6 here. The premature disappearance of M. subbotinae (within Zone P6b = E4) at Indian Ocean Site 213 is ascribed to gradually increasing dissolution in the early Eocene. [Berggren & Pearson 2006]
The LAD of Morozovella subbotinae marks the base of zone E6 / top of E5 (Wade et al. 2011)
Last occurrence (top): at top of E5 zone (100% up, 50.7Ma, in Ypresian stage). Data source: zonal marker (Wade et al. 2011)
First occurrence (base): at base of P5 zone (0% up, 57.1Ma, in Thanetian stage). Data source: Berggren & Pearson (2006) f11.1
Plot of occurrence data:
Primary source for this page: Berggren & Pearson 2006 - Eocene Atlas, chap. 11, p. 370
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Morozovella subbotinae compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 13-2-2025
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