Catalog - Globoquadrina Catalog - Globoquadrina


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Globoquadrina altispira conica Brönnimann & Resig 1971

Globoquadrina altispira subsp. globosa Bolli 1957
= Dentoglobigerina globosa
Globoquadrina asanoi Maiya, Saito, & Sato 1976
= Neogloboquadrina dutertrei
Globoquadrina dehiscens praedehiscens Blow & Banner 1962
= Dentoglobigerina tripartita
Globoquadrina globularis Bermúdez 1961
= Dentoglobigerina globularis
Globoquadrina himiensis Maiya, Saito, & Sato 1976
= Neogloboquadrina dutertrei
Globoquadrina kagaensis Maiya, Saito, & Sato 1976
= Neogloboquadrina dutertrei
Globoquadrina langhiana Cita & Gelati 1960
= Dentoglobigerina baroemoenensis
Globoquadrina larmeui Akers 1955
= Dentoglobigerina larmeui
Globoquadrina obesa Akers 1955
= Dentoglobigerina sellii
Globoquadrina subsp. pachyderma pacifica Boltovskoy & Watanabe 1986

Globoquadrina palmerae Bermúdez 1961

Globoquadrina patriciae McCulloch 1977
= Globorotalia hirsuta
Globoquadrina pozonensis Blow 1959
= Dentoglobigerina globosa
Globoquadrina primitiva Finlay 1947
= Acarinina primitiva
Globoquadrina pseudofoliata Parker 1967
= Globoquadrina conglomerata
Globoquadrina quadraria advena Bermudez 1949

Globoquadrina sellii Borsetti 1959

not figuredGloboquadrina subdehiscens Finlay 1947
= Globoquadrina dehiscens
Globoquadrina tripartita subsp. laxispira Fordham 1986

Globoquadrina tripartita subsp. tricamerata Fordham 1986


Citation: Globoquadrina Finlay 1947
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Globorotalia dehiscens Chapman, Parr and Collins, 19 34

Current identification/main database link: Globoquadrina Finlay 1947

See also: Globorotalia dehiscens - type species;

Original Description

Shell subquadrate, in both ventral and side view, dorsally flattened and showing all chambers, ventrally inflated and elongate, showing last coil only; umbilicus more or less widely open, often permitting considerable view of interior of previous chambers, but sometimes closed in adult by encroachment of last chambers; ends of chambers j uttin g round it angular and often more spinose; chambers horizontally compressed, inner face flatt ish, outer lightly to strongly convex, joins forming a marked angle, typically about 90° so that a squarish outline results, but sometimes with greater angle and slightly more than 4 chambers in a coil; terminal face smooth and sinuous, meeting other faces in a sharp angle and slanting strongly inwards to umbilicus (in some species vertically), with a pronounced thin flap projecting inwards and downwards overhanging aperture and largely concealing it; aperture rather narrowand elongate, not widely gaping as in Globigerina and Globorotalia, only a fraction of terminal face in area.

Family Globorotaliidae.

Extra details from original publication
The distinguishing characters of this group are excellently shown in the original figures of the genotype. It combines the open umbilicus, terminal face, and apertural flaps of Globotruncana, the angular ventrally pointed chambers of Globorotalia, and the general compact shape of Globigerina, and plainly should not be referred to any one of these.

Not many species of this genus seem to have been described, but it is well distributed. Most Miocene off-shore faunas seem to contain a representative, and it is possible that typical forms may be limited to Upper Oligocene and Miocene. At least three already described species belong here, all described from the Middle Tertiary. Globorotalia quadraria Cushman and Ellisor (1939) from the Pliocene of Louisiana (this was compared with the Cuban Eocene G. centralis Cushman and Bermudez, which is not congeneric, but closely related, as originally stated, to cocoaensis Cushman); Globigerina altispira Cushman and Jarvis (1936) from the Miocene of Jamaica (this has more chambers per whorl than usual, but the same characteristic umbilical and apertural features ); and Globigerina venezuelana Hedberg (1937) from the Upper Oligocene of Venezuela. Besides these, I have seen distinct species in the Cipero beds (Nos. 12 and 13) of Trinidad, in the A. 3 zone of the Manta beds of Ecuador, and in the Upper Miocene of Fiji and New Guinea. No forms have been seen in the Pliocene faunas available , but possibly the species figured by Cushman (1941 pl. 10, figs. 18-19) as Globigerina helicina d'Orb. from Rimini may belong here. The genotype is common and limited to the Australian Miocene; New Zealand specimens previously referred here prove to be distinct and are now described as Globoquadrina subdehiscens Finlay and G. primitiva Finlay.


Finlay, H. J. (1947). New Zealand foraminifera: Key species in stratigraphy - no. 5. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology. 28(5): 259-292. gs


Globoquadrina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 18-2-2025

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