views1 Catalog - Hantkenina Catalog - Hantkenina


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Hantkenina (Schackoina) senoniensis Thalmann,1932

Hantkenina alabamensis Cushman 1924
= Hantkenina alabamensis
Hantkenina alabamensis compressa Parr 1947
= Hantkenina compressa
Hantkenina alabamensis var. primitiva Cushman & Jarvis 1929
= Hantkenina primitiva
Hantkenina australis Finlay 1939
= Hantkenina australis
Hantkenina brevispina Cushman 1924
= Hantkenina compressa
Hantkenina danvillensis Howe & Wallace 1934
= Cribrohantkenina inflata
Hantkenina dumblei Weinzierl & Applin 1929
= Hantkenina dumblei
Hantkenina gohrbandti Rögl & Egger 2011
= Hantkenina singanoae
Hantkenina inflata Howe 1928
= Cribrohantkenina inflata
Hantkenina lazzarii Pericoli 1959
= Cribrohantkenina inflata
Hantkenina lehneri Cushman & Jarvis 1929
= Hantkenina lehneri
Hantkenina liebusi Shokhina 1937
= Hantkenina liebusi
Hantkenina longispina Cushman 1925

Hantkenina mccordi Howe & Wallace 1932

Hantkenina mexicana Cushman 1924
= Hantkenina mexicana
Hantkenina mexicana var. aragonensis Nuttall 1930
= Hantkenina mexicana
Hantkenina multispinata Cushman&Wickenden 1930
= Schackoina multispinata
Hantkenina nanggulanensis Hartono 1969
= Hantkenina nanggulanensis
Hantkenina nuttalli Toumarkine 1981
= Hantkenina mexicana
Hantkenina singanoae Pearson & Coxall, in Coxall & Pearson 2006
= Hantkenina singanoae
Hantkenina trituberculata Morrow 1934
= Schackoina multispinata


Citation: Hantkenina Cushman, 1924
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Hantkenina alabamensis, Cushman, 1924

Current identification/main database link: Hantkenina Cushman, 1925

See also: Hantkenina (Hantkenina) - also used a sub-genus;

Original Description

Description. — Test free, planospiral, consisting of about three coils, chambers few, usually about five in the adult coil, laterally compressed, wall finely or coarsely perforate, sutures distinct and depressed, each chamber at least in the adult with a stout peripheral spine with a hollow center, aperture tripartite one arm running along either side of the base of the chamber, the other extending peripherally in the apertural face of the chamber.

Extra details from original publication
In the Tertiary of America there are at least four species and to this genus should be referred Hantken's species [Siderolina kochi]. These are all described below and figures are given of all of them. They seem to mark the Uppermost Eocene in Alabama and elsewhere on our Gulf Coastal Plain and the Mexican species from the Alazan are closely related. Hantken's species is from the Clavulina Szdihoi beds of Hungary.



Hantkenina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 25-1-2025

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