Catalog - Hastigerinella simplicissima Catalog - Hastigerinella simplicissima

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Hastigerinella simplicissima Magne&Sigal, in Cheylan et al. 1954

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> H -> Hastigerinella -> Hastigerinella simplicissima
Other pages this level: H. alexanderi, H. bermudezi, H. bizonae, H. caucasica, H. colombiana, H. eocanica, H. eocanica aragonensis, H. frailensis, H. jarvisi, H. moremani, H. rhumbleri, H. riedeli, H. simplex, H. simplicissima, H. subcretacea, H. watersi

Hastigerinella simplicissima

Citation: Hastigerinella simplicissima Magne&Sigal, in Cheylan et al. 1954
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: F6 0880
Type age (chronostrat): Lower Cenomanian
Type locality: Djebel Rhazouane, Tunisia.
Type repository: Paris; Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris

Current identification/main database link: Clavihedbergella simplicissima (Magne and Sigal, 1954)

Original Description

Translated from French. "Diagnosis. - A species characterized by a slight elongation of the chambers, indeed placing this form between two genera, Globigerina and Hastigerinella. "Description: - Test with a globigerinid mode of coiling. The chambers, numbering 5 in the last whorl, are strongly inflated, not compressed and slightly elongate in a radial direction; they are often shifted with regard to a plane perpendicular to the coiling axis. The aperture is protected by an umbilical lip.


Falzoni, F. & Petrizzo, M. R. (2020). Patterns of planktonic foraminiferal extinctions and eclipses during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 at Eastbourne (SE England) and other mid-low latitude locations. Cretaceous Research. 116: 1-28. gs

Magne, J. & Sigal, J. (1954). Description des especes nouvelles; 1 - Foraminiferes. In, Cheylan, G., Magne, J., Sigal, J. & Grekoff, N. (eds) Resultats geologiques et micropaleontologiques du sondage d' El Krachem (Hauts Plateaux algerois). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France . 3(4-6): 471-492. gs


Hastigerinella simplicissima compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 6-2-2025

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