CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Huberella huberi Georgescu 2007
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Original Description Test is biserial throughout, consisting of thirteen to fourteen chambers, initiated with a small-sized proloculus, which is followed by a slightly larger second chamber. Earlier chambers are subrectangular, becoming reniform in the adult stage, tilted to the test axis of growth and increasing gradually in size as added. Later chambers present a posterior projection, which is attached to the previous chamber in the row and the periapertural flange of the previous-formed chamber. Sutures are distinct, depressed and oblique to the axis of growth. Test is symmetrical in edge view, with broadly rounded periphery and without peripheral structures. Aperture is situated at the base of the last-formed chamber and is bordered by two symmetrically developed periapertural flanges. False accessory apertures can be developed along the zigzag suture due to the test-wall folding in the proximity of the cameral projections and periapertural structures. Chamber surface is covered throughout by quasi-longitudinal fine costae. Test wall is calcareous, hyaline and microperforate. Pores are mostly situated in the spaces between the costae or, more rarely onto these strictures resulting in discontinuous costate ornamentation. Pore diameter is in the range of 0.7-1.0 microns. Size: Dimensions of the holotype. Length: L = 0.322 mm; width: W = 0.217 mm; W/L = 0.653; thickness: t = 0.117 mm; t/L = 0.352. Etymology: Genus named after Dr. Brian T. Huber (National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.) in appreciation for his studies on Cretaceous and Paleogene foraminifera.Species named as for the genus. Extra details from original publication Remarks. Huberella huberi differs from H. praehuberi by having (i) well-developed chamber projection attached to the previous chamber of the same row, (ii) test consisting of fewer chambers, thirteen to fourteen rather than fifteen to seventeen and (iii) and higher rate of chamber increase in size resulting in more rapidly flaring tests. The specimen figured by Nederbragt (1991, pl. 8, fig. 1) from the early Santonian (Dicarinella concavata Biozone) of DSDP Leg 10, Site 95 (Yucatan Shelf) is considered a Huberella huberi specimen with abnormally developed last formed chamber. The earlier part of the test presents close similarities with Huberella huberi, including the characteristic chamber projection attached to the previous chamber in the row. The key element of this interpretation is the fact that the biostratigraphic reevaluation of the DSDP Site 95 revealed that the lower part of the Santonian sediments as given by Nederbragt (1991) is now assigned to the Turonian. The foraminiferal assemblages identified here are quasi-identical to those from DSDP Leg 15, Site 150 of the Caribbean as dated by Premoli Silva and Bolli (1973) and confirmed in this study. As a concluding remark, Pseudoguembelina was considered of Campanian-Maastrichtian age in two recent studies by Premoli Silva and Sliter (1994, 1999).
Georgescu, M. D. (2007a). A new planktonic heterohelicid foraminiferal genus from the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian). Micropaleontology. 53: 212-220. gs
Huberella huberi compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project teamviewed: 16-9-2024
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