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Leupoldina protuberans Bolli 1957 = Leupoldina cabri | |||
Leupoldina pustulans hexacamerata Verga&Premoli Silva 2002 = Leupoldina hexacamerata |
Current identification/main database link: Leupoldina Bolli 1957
Original Description
Extra details from original publication
Remarks. - Leupoldina differs from Hastigerinoides Brönnimann in having two or more symmetrically arranged bulb-shaped chamber extensions (protuberances) in some or all of the chambers of the last whorl. During a study of topotypes of Hastigerinoides watersi (Cushman), a few specimens with two symmetrically arranged, bulb-shaped extensions on the ultimate chambers, similar to those in Leupoldina, were found, however, no divided aperture could be seen in these specimens. H. watersi differs further from the Schackoina and Leupoldina species described here in that the bulb-shaped extensions are restricted to the ultimate and occasionally penultimate chamber, while in Schackoina and Leupoldina they are present in all chambers of the last whorl. Secondary relict apertures, characteristic of Hastigerinoides, do not usually exist in Leupoldina. However, in some rare specimens they may probably be present, as is shown on figures 9 and 11 of plate II.
The new genus differs from Biglobigerinella Lalicker in having elongate chambers, the last ones with two or more symmetrically arranged spines or bulb-shaped protuberances.
Leupoldina has obviously developed from Schackoina Thalmann, from which it differs in possessing two or more symmetrically arranged extensions in the last chamber and a double aperture in the ultimate chamber. Forms morphologically very similar to the new genus have been previously described under Schackoina by Reichel (1947) (Schackoina cenomana bicornis, Schackoina moliniensis) and by Sigal (1952) (Schackoina cabri). In Schackoina cenomana bicornis the last or the last few chambers possess two symmetrically arranged, long spines (fig. 8,b), in Schackoina moliniensis (fig. 8,c) the chambers possessing two spines are, in addition, almost severed along the equatorial plane. The preservation of Reichel's specimens made it impossible to see the apertures. Should future studies on more complete material show that these forms do not possess an interiomarginal, equatorial aperture typical of Schackoina, but instead have a double aperture typical of Leupoldina, then Reichel's species would have to be placed in this genus.*
Schackoina cabri Sigal, reported from the Aptian of Tunisia, is likely to be a Leupoldina. It seems to come from approximately the same stratigraphic level as do the Trinidad specimens. The paired extensions of the last two chambers in Sigal's figured type are broken off. It looks very much like the Leupoldina protuberans, n. gen., n. sp., specimen figured here on plate II, fig. 2. Better preserved Tunisian material will be needed to determine whether the chamber extensions of Schackoina cabri are spines as Sigal assumes or are bulb-shaped and whether the ultimate chamber possesses a double aperture as does Leupoldina protuberans.
*After completion of the manuscript a sample of the Middle to Lower Cenomanian Gautier formation from a borehole in south Trinidad was found to contain a few specimens which closely resemble Schackoina cenomana bicornis Reichel and Schackoina moliniensis Reichel. Althoughthere are some indications of Leupoldina-tyipe apertures, the poor preservation of the specimensdoes not allow a reliable observation. A rich planktonic foraminiferal fauna, consisting of suchcharacteristic species as Rotalipora appenninica appenninica, Globigerina washitensis, four- and a few five-chambered Schackoina sp. accompany these specimens.
Bolli, H. M. (1957c). The foraminiferal genus Schackoina Thalmann, emended, and Leupoldina, n. gen. in the Cretaceous of Trinidad, B. W. I. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 50(2): 271-278. gs References:
Leupoldina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 8-9-2024
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