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Current identification/main database link: Pearsonites Soldan, Petrizzo & Premoli Silva 2014
Original Description
Extra details from original publication
Species included. Three species (P. lodoensis, P. broedermanni, and P. anapetes) are now assigned to Pearsonites, based on both wall texture and morphological similarities.
Recently, Rögl & Egger (2012) redescribed Globorotalia salisburgensis Gohrbandt, 1967, originally described from Eocene deposits of the Helvetic nappe system (north Salzburg, Austria). These authors provided SEM images of a G. salisburgensis paratype and a drawing of the holotype that they included in Igorina. Upon close examination these new figures show an asymmetrically biconvex test with a strongly convex umbilical side, angular peripheral margin, equatorial outline that is slightly lobate, strongly curved sutures on the spiral side, and apparently praemuricate and encrusted wall texture. However, the overall wall texture and morphology are very similar to the Paleocene genus Igorina. In view of its uncertain taxonomic affinities, we prefer not to include G. salisburgensis in the P. broedermanni group.
In agreement with Berggren et al. (2006a), Globorotalia mattseensis and G. wartsteinensis erected by Gohrbandt (1967) and Acarinina planodorsalis Fleisher, 1974, are morphotypes that fall within the variability of P. broedermanni.
Phylogenetic relationships. Pearsonites nov. gen. likely evolved from the Acarinina mckannai-soldadoensis plexus in the late Paleocene (Zone P5; Soldan et al., 2011; Fig. 10). We have observed that P. broedermanni evolved from P. lodoensis in the middle part of Zone P5 (late Paleocene) by increasing the number of chambers (6–7) in the final whorl, culminating in the evolution of P. anapetes (8–10 chambers; Fig. 10).
In the evolution of the P. broedermanni group, the sutures initially change from slightly curved in P. lodoensis to curved in P. broedermanni. Pearsonites anapetes, however, displays radial and oblique sutures. In addition, the chambers in P. lodoensis are almost equidimensional, while in P. broedermanni the chambers become tangentially elongate (subrectangular) and in P. anapetes the chambers are radially elongated (subtrapezoidal to subquadrate). In agreement with Blow (1979, p. 914) and Berggren et al. (2006a), we consider P. anapetes as the end-member of the Pearsonites broedermanni lineage.
Distinguishing features. Pearsonites nov. gen. is distinguished from Acarinina in having a biconvex to planoconvex test, a globorotaliform coiling mode, a narrower umbilicus, subglobular to subquadrate chambers on the spiral side and triangular chambers on the umbilical side, and less coarse, more uniformly sized muricae. It differs from Igorina in having a lower trochospire tending to planoconvex, a rounded peripheral margin, a larger umbilicus, and a typically muricate wall texture without a crust on the spiral side.
Geographic distribution. Widely distributed in tropicalsubtropical areas of the world (Indo-Pacific realms, Atlantic Ocean, and Caribbean Sea). It has been also reported from the Tethys, Caucasus Mountains, east Africa, and California. Stratigraphic range. Zone P5–top of Zone E9.
Editors' Notes
Soldan, D. M., Petrizzo, M. R. & Silva, I. P. (2014). Pearsonites, a new Paleogene planktonic foraminiferal genus for the broedermanni lineage. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 44: 17-27. gsReferences:
Pearsonites compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-1-2025
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