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CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Postrugoglobigerina Salaj 1986

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Postrugoglobigerina hariana Salaj 1986
= Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina
Postrugoglobigerina praedaubjergensis Salaj 1980


Citation: Postrugoglobigerina Salaj 1986
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Postrugoglobigerina hariana Salaj 1986
Described on page(s) : 52
Type sample (& lithostrat): LM12 - basal 50cm of Danian
Type age (chronostrat): basal Danian
Type locality: El Haria near El Kef, Tunisia; locality LM-12 of the Vlth African Micropaleontological Colloquium
Type repository: Bratislava; Dionýz Štúr Institute of Geology, Bratislava, Slovakia

Current identification:

Original Description

Test free, trochospiral, umbilicate, chambers rounded to sphaerical, sutural, radial to slightly curved, on both sides depressed throughout ; wall calcareous, fine and irregularly perforate, often also pustules perforate. Surface of test rought, with abundant, irregularly dispersed pustules. In the parts of test with dense pustules the surface of test is typically rugose. The pustules are of irregular dimensions and are often missing on the last chamber.

Aperture interiomarginal - umbilical, mostly narrow slot-like, at the base of the last chamber, not protected by lip.

The composed name is derived from the latin word post = after; and from the generic name of the Rugoglobigerina.

Extra details from original publication
Stratigraphic range: Uppermost Maastrichtian (where are no more globotruncanas) and Lowermost Danian.

Phylogenetic relations: This genus developed from Rugoglobigerina BROENNIMANN under ecologically unfavourable conditions at the Cretaceous—Paleogene boundary. From Postrugoglobigerina nov. gen. we derive
  1. Parvularugoglobigerina HOFKER. 1978 (= genus L. BANG): 
  2. Eoglobigerina MOROZOVA, 1959 (in which the pustules got last), from which Subbotina BROTZEN et POŽARYSKA, 1961 developed and; 
  3. Globoconusa KHALILOV, 1953.


Salaj, J. (1986). The new Postrugoglobigerina praedaubjergensis Zone at the base of the stratotype of the marine Paleocene (El Kef, Tunisia). Geologiscky Zbornik -Geologica Carpathica. 37: 35-58. gs


Postrugoglobigerina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 25-1-2025

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