Catalog - Rectoguembelina Catalog - Rectoguembelina

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Rectoguembelina Cushman, 1932

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> R -> Rectoguembelina
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Rectoguembelina cretacea Cushman 1932
= Rectoguembelina cretacea
Rectoguembelina hispidula Cushman 1938


Citation: Rectoguembelina Cushman, 1932
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Rectoguembelina cretacea Cushman, 1932
Described on page(s) : 6

Current identification/main database link: Rectoguembelina Cushman, 1932

Original Description

Test with the early chambers arranged in a biserial manner similar to Guembelina, later chambers uniserial and rounded in transverse section; chambers all inflated, distinct; sutures distinct, depressed; wall calcareous, thin, very finely perforate; aperture in the early stages similar to Guembelina, in the adult terminal, rounded, with a distinct neck.

Extra details from original publication
Introductory text:  In the Heterohelicidae there are numerous developments which evidently came from Guembelina, such as Pseudotextularia, Planoglobulina, Ventilabrella, etc. These have come about by the addition of more complex types of development. It is, therefore, interesting to note the following genus which is in its gen­ eral characters a parallelism with Bigenerina in the Textularii­dae. Our species, however, are developed directly from Guem­belina as the early stages show, and the wall is calcareous and finely perforate. It is to be looked for, from the two records given here, in the various portions of the Upper Cretaceous of Texas and adjacent regions.

Editors' Notes
Cushman 1932 described two species in this genus - R. cretacea and R. texana, and several further species have been described. However most of these are now interpreted as benthic forminifera and placed in the genera Bifarina or Tubitextularia (see Olsson et al. 1999 p93-94) - so they are not cataloged here. 


Cushman, J. A. (1932). Rectoguembelina, a new genus from the Cretaceous. Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research. 8(1): 4-7. gs


Rectoguembelina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 6-2-2025

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