Catalog - Planorotalites tauricus Catalog - Planorotalites tauricus

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Planorotalites tauricus Morozova 1961

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Planorotalites tauricus

Citation: Planorotalites tauricus Morozova 1961
taxonomic rank: Species
Described on page(s) : 16-17
Type specimens: holotype (fig. 3a-c), no. 3510/ll.
Type age (chronostrat): Late Danian, Acarinina indolensis Subzone (Dn2 III1), Michurino Substage.
Type locality: Urukh River, northern Caucasus
Type repository: Moscow; Geological Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow

Current identification/main database link: Igorina pusilla (Bolli 1957)

Original Description

Translation from the Russian. - Test small, biconvex, a tittle less convex on the dorsal side than on the ventral side. Spire consists of two to two and a half whorls. In the last whorl are five chambers. Outer margin angular, with an indistinct keel of closely arranged small spinules. Sutures deep, on the spiral side oblique, barely noticeably curved, on the umbilical side straight. radial. Umbilicus narrow. Aperture slit-shaped, opens along the marginal suture onto the umbilical side. Wall thin, finely spinose. Surface fin ely rough.

Greatest diameter 0.17mm. least diameter 0.15mm, height 0.11 mm.

Extra details from original publication
Variability. - This species is quite strongly variable in relation to the compression of the test along the axis of coiling. Lensoid biconvex forms with a blunted outer margin and more strongly flattened forms with a sharp keel are found. Comparison. - From the near species Planorotalites pseudoscitulus (Glaessner) [Globorotalia pseudoscitula, 1937] the species described differs by its higher spire, fewer chambers, sutures on the spiral side not curved, and a less distinctly expressed keel


Morozova, V. G. (1961). Datsko-Montskie planktonnye foraminifery yuga SSSR [Danian-Montian Planktonic Foraminifera of the Southern USSR]. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal. (2): 8-19. gs O


Planorotalites tauricus compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 15-12-2024

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