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Current identification:
Original Description
Extra details from original publication
Comparison. - From Acarinina pentacamerata (Subbotina) and Acarinina subpentacamerata Militsina (1961) this species differs by its small dimensions, flatter spiral side, subovate-subquadrate equatorial outline, weakly undulate peripheral margin, and subquadrate septal surface; from Acarinina praecursoria Morozova, 1957 by its straight sutures, subquadrate septal surface, and by the slow growth, tight arrangement, and small, little varying number of the chambers.
Editors' Notes
Davidzon, R. & Morozova, V. G. (1964). Планктонные и бентосные известковые фораминиферы бухарских слоев (палеоцен) Тадхикской депрессиы [Planktonic and benthonic calcareous foraminifers of the Bukhara Beds (Paleocene) of the Tadzhik depression]. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal. (3): 23-29. gs Davidzon, R. & Morozova, V. G. (1965). Planktonic and benthonic calcareous foraminifers of the Bukhara Beds (Paleocene) in Tadzhik depression. International Geology Review. 7(10): 1819-1825. gsReferences:
Acarinina quadratoseptata compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 20-9-2024
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Comments (2)
It seems that the standard romanization of давидзон is Davidzon (not Davidson)
A. quadratoseptata was first published in: Davidzon, R.; Morozova, V. (1964). Планктонные и бентосные известковые фораминиферы бухарских слоев (палеоцен) Тадхикской депрессиы - Planktonic and benthonic calcareous foraminifers of the Bukhara Beds (Paleocene) of the Tadzhik depression. Палеонтологический журнал - Paleontological Journal. 3: 23-29
and one year later in English in: Davidzon, R.; Morozova, V. (1965). Planktonic and benthonic calcareous foraminifers of the Bukhara Beds (Paleocene) in Tadzhik depression. International Geology Review. 7(10): 1819-1825., available online at
Thanks - I've added those details