Catalog - Chiloguembelinidae Catalog - Chiloguembelinidae

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Chiloguembelinidae Reiss, 1963

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Citation: Chiloguembelinidae Reiss, 1963
Taxonomic rank: family
Type species: Chiloguembelina Loeblich and Tappan, 1956

Current identification/main database link: Chiloguembelinidae Reiss, 1963

Original Description

Trochospirally coiled with two chambers per coil arranged around an elongated axis. Test usually twisted. Aperture single, an interiomarginal asymmetrical low to high arch, bordered by an asymmetrically situated flap which is often protruding and platelike, or terminal, situated on a short neck. No distinct toothplates. Ornamentation if present consisting of inflational papillae or short spines.


Reiss, Z. (1963). Reclassification of perforate foraminifera. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Israel. 35: 1-111. gs


Chiloguembelinidae compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-2-2025

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