Catalog - Globigerina edita polycamera Catalog - Globigerina edita polycamera

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina edita var. polycamera Khalilov 1956

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Globigerina edita polycamera

Citation: Globigerina edita var. polycamera Khalilov 1956
Taxonomic rank: variety
Described on page(s) : 235
Type specimens: pl. 1, fig. 1a-c
Type age (chronostrat): Lower Paleocene, Danian
Type locality: northeastern Azerbaidzhan S.S.R
Type repository: Baku; Geological Institute, Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan

Current identification:

Original Description

Translation from the Russian. - Test rounded, with a high spiral. Two or two and one-half whorls. In the last whorl there are six or seven spherical chambers. Sutures depressed, umbilicus deep. Test rounded, with a lobate periphery. Dorsal side strongly convex; the early chambers project most strongly. There are only two to two and one-half whorls. The spiral suture of the final whorl is strongly depressed . Chambers of the final whorl rather large, nearly spherical . Ventrally, the umbilical depression is well expressed, and is surrounded by six or seven spherical chambers of the last whorl, which slowly increase in size. Sutures between the chambers depressed, rather narrow, straight. Aperture slitlike, on the final chamber, flanking the umbilicus. Wall calcareous; the surface covered by dense, rather large pores.

Diameter 0.23 mm.; thickness 0.16 mm.

Extra details from original publication
Comparison - Variation with age is expressed in the gradually in- creasing convexity of the dorsal side. Our form differs from the typical Globigerina edita Subbotina in the presence of a greater number of chambers in the last whorl and in the well-developed umbilicus. This variety is probably genetically related to the earlier Globigerina kelleri Subbotina, although the spiral of the latter is very high.


Khalilov, D. M. (1956). 0 pelagicheskoy faune foraminifer Paleogenovykh otlozheniy Azerbaydzhana [Pelagic Foraminifera of the Paleogene Deposits of the Azerbaizhan SSR]. Trudy Instituta Geologii, Akademiya Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR. 17: 234-255. gs


Globigerina edita polycamera compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 19-2-2025

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